I think you miss a return in the first function
def get_input(high_run, low_run, run):
pressed_key = input('')
if pressed_key == "n": # Next Page
return set_high_run_np(high_run, run), set_low_run_np(low_run, run)
def set_high_run_np(high_run, run):
if high_run != len(ldata):
high_run = high_run + run
return high_run
def set_low_run_np(low_run, run):
if low_run != len(ldata) - run:
low_run = low_run + run
return low_run
I added the return. I chose to return a tuple of values which in python is done with a comma. But there are a lot of other ways you can choose to return the values, you just need to return them.
solved Why does return not return my Variable?