[Solved] How to write this code without using pandas?

You can simply use the csv module from the standard library:

import csv 

with open('__.csv', 'r', newline="") as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f)
    _ , *header = next(reader)
    d = {}
    for k, *row in reader:
        d[k] = dict(zip(header, row))


{'reviews':   {'JOURNAL_IMPACT_FACTOR': 27.324, 'IMPACT_FACTOR_LABEL': 'Highest', 
               'IMPACT_FACTOR_WEIGHT': 37.62548387}, 
 'hairdoos':  {'JOURNAL_IMPACT_FACTOR': 40.0, 
               'IMPACT_FACTOR_LABEL': 'middle', 'IMPACT_FACTOR_WEIGHT': 50.0}, 
 'skidoos':   {'JOURNAL_IMPACT_FACTOR': 5000.0, 'IMPACT_FACTOR_LABEL': 'medium', 
               'IMPACT_FACTOR_WEIGHT': 430.0}, 
 'kangaroos': {'JOURNAL_IMPACT_FACTOR': 6.0, 'IMPACT_FACTOR_LABEL': 'lowest', 
               'IMPACT_FACTOR_WEIGHT': 3.0}

solved How to write this code without using pandas?