[Solved] Applescript: number list of words according to their occurrence in the sequence

AppleScript is not the right tool for this job, so while the following solution works, it is sloooow.

(For better performance, you’d need full hash-table functionality, which AppleScript doesn’t provide – AppleScript’s record class is severely handicapped by the inability to specify keys dynamically, at runtime, via variables – third-party solutions exist, though (e.g., http://www.latenightsw.com/freeware/list-record-tools/)).

# Helper handler: Given a search word, returns the number of times the word 
# already occurs in the specified list (as the first sub-item of each list item).
on countOccurrences(searchWrd, lst)
  local counter
  set counter to 0
  repeat with wordNumPair in lst
    if item 1 of wordNumPair is searchWrd then
      set counter to counter + 1
    end if
  end repeat
  return counter
end countOccurrences

# Define the input list.
set inList to {"It", "was", "the", "best", "of", "times", "it", "was", "the", "worst", "of", "times", "it", "was", "the", "age", "of", "wisdom", "it", "was", "the", "age", "of", "foolishness", "it", "was", "the", "epoch", "of", "belief"}

# Initialize the output list.
set outList to {}

# Loop over the input list and build the output list incrementally.
repeat with wrd in inList
  # Note that `contents of` returns the string content of the list item
  # (dereferences the object specifier that `repeat with` returns).
  set outList to outList & {{contents of wrd, 1 + (my countOccurrences(contents of wrd, outList))}}
end repeat

# outList now contains the desired result.


solved Applescript: number list of words according to their occurrence in the sequence