[Solved] Use of unassigned local variable when trying to return bool


When trying to return a bool value from a method, it is important to ensure that all local variables used in the method are assigned a value. If a local variable is used without being assigned a value, it will result in a compiler error indicating that an unassigned local variable is being used. This article will discuss the causes of this error and how to resolve it.


public bool IsValid()
bool isValid = false;

//Check if the variable is valid

isValid = true;

return isValid;

The error you’re getting is that you’re attempting to use dateCheck in it’s initial assignment, which is not allowed. In otherwords, you can’t do something like int number = number + 1; because number on the right hand side of the assignment is not assigned yet. Of course the line in question must have some other typos in it, because it won’t compile at all.

Regardless, you don’t really need that line anyway (the variable isn’t used anywhere else). If you remove it, your code should work as expected.

The one change I would make is to not hard-code the year portion but instead use the year specified in the date parameter. This way the method will work in future years. Even better would be to read the peak date ranges from some other data source, so they can be modified without having to recompile the code. But the basic idea I’m suggesting would look like this:

public bool IsInPeakSeason(DateTime date)
    var startPeak = new DateTime(date.Year, 06, 15);
    var endPeak = new DateTime(date.Year, 08, 15);
    return date >= startPeak && date < endPeak;


solved Use of unassigned local variable when trying to return bool

When trying to return a boolean value from a method, you may encounter an error stating that an unassigned local variable is being used. This is because the compiler does not recognize the boolean value as a valid return type. To fix this issue, you must assign a value to the boolean variable before returning it.

For example, if you have a method that returns a boolean value, you must assign a value to the boolean variable before returning it. The following code shows how to do this:

public bool MyMethod()
    bool result;
    // Do something here
    result = true; // Assign a value to the boolean variable
    return result; // Return the boolean variable

By assigning a value to the boolean variable before returning it, the compiler will recognize the boolean value as a valid return type. This will fix the error of using an unassigned local variable when trying to return a boolean value.