[Solved] How to remove a $ character from a variable’s value in Perl? [closed]

Here is semi-working and working code.


$ cat x1.pl | so
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;

my $a = "$";
print "$a\n";
$a =~ s/\$//;
print "$a\n";

$ perl x1.pl | so
Use of uninitialized value $192 in concatenation (.) or string at x1.pl line 5.


$ cat x2.pl | so
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;

my $a="$";
print "$a\n";
$a =~ s/\$//;
print "$a\n";

$ perl x2.pl | so

Always use use strict; and use warnings; while you’re learning Perl (the first twenty or so years are the hardest).

If your code is not working still, you need to show the equivalent SSCCE (Short, Self-Contained, Correct Example) code and the example output, but it should most definitely include use strict; and use warnings;.


solved How to remove a $ character from a variable’s value in Perl? [closed]