[Solved] Str object has no attribute “add”

You assigned a string to the operator name:

operator = randomOp[0]

You are now masking the operator module. Don’t re-use names like that, because the next iteration of your for loop operator.add now tries to look up the add attribute on that string (so one of '+', '-' or '*', whatever the first iteration picked by random choice).

You also imported the 3 functions directly:

import operator
from operator import add, sub, mul

so a simple solution would be to use those 3 names instead of referencing the functions on the module:

ops = (("+", add), ("-", sub), ("*", mul))

where I used tuples instead of lists (since altering the ops sequence in your code would probably be an error). You could move that assignment out of your for loop as well; there is little point in recreating it each iteration.

solved Str object has no attribute “add”