from collections import OrderedDict
cars = OrderedDict([(1, 'Camaro'), (2, 'SS Sedan'), (3, 'M3 Sedan'), (4, 'GLE Coupé')])
print('Help Rick P. choose a car to drive.\n')
print('\n'.join([str(key) + ' ' + val for key, val in cars.items()]) + '\n')
def choice_car(invalid = False):
if invalid:
choice = int(input('Invalid car. Try again...\n'))
choice = int(input('Input the corresponding number to the car that you\'d like Rick P. to drive...\n'))
car = cars.get(choice)
if not car:
return choice_car(True)
return car
car = choice_car()
solved Python. Issue with my interactive story [closed]