First, you will need to push your prime numbers in the vector. At the beginning, unless you ask otherwise, the vector is empty. You can push a prime number using this snippet:
// somewhere you declare your vector
std::vector<unsigned long long> primes;
// code computing a prime number
unsigned long long prime;
// Push the new prime number at the end of the vector
Then you will need to loop through all the prime numbers in the vector. You can use a for
for(auto prime : primes) {
. . . // code using the prime number
As suggested by comments, you may want to use this for
loop in order to test the primality of a number. You can easily do it with the for
unsigned long long number = ...; // the number to test
bool is_prime = true;
for(auto prime: primes) {
bool is_divisible = (0 == number % prime)
is_prime = is_prime && !is_divisible;
if(! is_prime)
// then push it in primes if it is prime
Please follow the link provided by @tobi303 which is a very good resource on C++.
C++ is not easy for beginners, but if you hang on it is rewarding.
solved How to Systematically use each item in a Vector [closed]