[Solved] Matplotlib graph adjusment with big dataset [closed]

Given this dataframe:

   complete    mid_c    mid_h    mid_l    mid_o                      time 
0      True  0.80936  0.80943  0.80936  0.80943 2018-01-31 09:54:10+00:00   
1      True  0.80942  0.80942  0.80937  0.80937 2018-01-31 09:54:20+00:00   
2      True  0.80946  0.80946  0.80946  0.80946 2018-01-31 09:54:25+00:00   
3      True  0.80942  0.80942  0.80940  0.80940 2018-01-31 09:54:30+00:00   
4      True  0.80944  0.80944  0.80944  0.80944 2018-01-31 09:54:35+00:00   

Create a 50 moving average:

df['ma'] = df.mid_c.rolling(window=50).mean()

plot it:

df.plot('time', ['mid_c', 'ma'])

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


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solved Matplotlib graph adjusment with big dataset [closed]