As suggested, prepared statements
are the best way to achieve good protection from SQL injection.
Shortened Example
You will need to add entries to fill in all columns you wish to insert.
$email = $_POST['e-mail'];
$fn = $_POST['firstname'];
$ln = $_POST['lastname'];
if ($stmt = $mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO `newcartdb`.`orders`(Email,Firstname,Lastname) values(?,?,?)") {
$stmt->bind_param("sss", $email, $fn, $ln);
“sss” – represents the data type i.e “s” – string, “i” – integer for each entry.
values(?,?,?) – this is a placeholder for the bind_params statement so the ‘?’ will be replaced in sequential order with the values you place in the bind_params method
$_SESSION['notice'] = "Table updated";
$_SESSION['notice'] = "Table could not be updated!";
solved How can I avoid SQL injection in my code below? [duplicate]