A naïve approach would be to do the following.
Console.WriteLine("Add integer X: ");
int x = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Add integer Y: ");
int y = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
Triangle Tri1 = new Triangle(x, y);
Console.WriteLine("Area 1=" + Tri1.TriArea());
A more robust approach would be to validate user input and have an input loop so that the user can calculate the area of more than one triangle. It could look like the following:
static void Main(string[] args)
bool keepPrompting = true;
while (keepPrompting)
bool weHaveValidXValue = false;
int x = 0, y = 0;
while (!weHaveValidXValue)
Console.WriteLine("Enter value for X and press return:");
string xValue = Console.ReadLine();
weHaveValidXValue = int.TryParse(xValue, out x);
if (!weHaveValidXValue || x <= 0)
weHaveValidXValue = false;
Console.WriteLine("Invalid value");
bool weHaveValidYValue = false;
while (!weHaveValidYValue)
Console.WriteLine("Enter value for Y and press return:");
string yValue = Console.ReadLine();
weHaveValidYValue = int.TryParse(yValue, out y);
if(!weHaveValidYValue || y <= 0)
weHaveValidYValue = false;
Console.WriteLine("Invalid value");
Triangle myTriangle = new Triangle(x, y);
Console.WriteLine("My Triangle Area = {0}", myTriangle.TriArea());
Console.WriteLine("Continue? (y/n)");
string response = Console.ReadLine();
if(response.Equals("n", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
keepPrompting = false;
solved How do I rewrite this code to accept user input? [closed]