[Solved] Double SUM query MySQL

Given the tables:


idUnit Budget
112 1000
112 2000


idUnit Real2
112 500
112 100

You can produce the following result:

idUnit TotalBudget TotalReal2
112 3000 600

With the following query:

SELECT t1.idUnit, SUM(Budget) AS TotalBudget, t2.TotalReal2
FROM Tabel_1 AS t1
  JOIN (SELECT idUnit, SUM(Real2) AS TotalReal2
        FROM Tabel_2 GROUP BY idUnit
  ) AS t2 ON t1.idUnit = t2.idUnit
GROUP BY t1.idUnit;

What we’ve done is group the results of joining the two tables by the idUnit which means that each value of idUnit will only show up once in the result. Then, we’ve used the SUM() aggregate function twice (once for each column we want to sum) to add the values for each idUnit together.

Try it out!


solved Double SUM query MySQL