[Solved] how to call method of event in ngOnInit

You cannot do this reliably. After the component is created, event listener (@HostListener) are setup and ngOnInit is called by the framework. The listener will only react to the event you specify (in your case document:mousemove). If you wanted this value, the event would need to be fired between component creation (calling the constructor) and calling ngOnInit, which, as I explained, is called immediately after. This is nearly impossible.

In your case the workaround is pretty simple: Just do the same work in ngOnInit as you do in @HostListener:

export class AppComponent  {
    public currentMinute:number;
    public addedMinute:number;

    constructor(private datePipe: DatePipe){ }

    public mouse(e):void {

    public ngOnInit():void {

        // Here this.currentMinute and this.addedMinute are defined now

    private setDates():void {
       this.currentMinute=new Date().getMinutes();
       this.addedMinute=new Date().getMinutes()+2;


solved how to call method of event in ngOnInit