[Solved] The function is not being called by browser when you reload the page? What is wrong? [closed]

Try this, Its running

var database = [{username: "Sean", password: 1995}];
var newsFeed = [{username: "Tanya", timeline: "She says it very cool"}, {username: "Misha", timeline: "Misha is working at sphere of railways"}];

var askUsernameByPrompt = prompt("What is your username");
var askPasswordByPrompt = prompt("What is your password");

function signIn(user, pass){
    if(user === database[0].username && pass === database[0].password) {console.log(newsFeed);}
    else{alert("Sorry, username or password!");}
signIn(askUsernameByPrompt, askPasswordByPrompt);

You just made a little mistake in if condition, for strict equality comparison in JavaScript, we write === that checks for both type and content but you mistakenly typed ==== which is wrong syntax. For more information on comparison operator check its official documentation here.


solved The function is not being called by browser when you reload the page? What is wrong? [closed]