[Solved] Combining two queries into one

If the existing queries do what you want/need, UNION will make it pretty simple to combine them, something like;

    SELECT is_private 0, <field1>,<field2>,<field3>, ... ,(SELECT COUNT(*) 
               FROM votes 
               WHERE message_id = m.message_id
                 AND vote_type="like") AS likes,
              (SELECT COUNT(*) 
               FROM votes
               WHERE message_id = m.message_id 
               AND vote_type="dislike") AS dislikes 
    FROM messages m
    WHERE 1 #and hidden is null
      and recipient_id = 1
    SELECT 1, <field1>, <field2>, <field3>, ... ,(SELECT COUNT(*) 
               FROM votes 
               WHERE message_id = m.message_id
                 AND vote_type="like") AS likes,
              (SELECT COUNT(*)
               FROM votes
               WHERE message_id = m.message_id  
                 AND vote_type="dislike") AS dislikes 
    FROM private_messages m 
    WHERE 1 #and hidden is null 
      and recipient_id = 1 
ORDER BY datetime DESC

Note that you need to select the same number/order of columns from both queries for the union to work. SELECT * makes it hard to verify if/that that is the case. If


solved Combining two queries into one