[Solved] Extract rows having the 11th column values lies between 2nd and 3nd of a second file if 1st column matches

A simple function to extract the Nth column from your text makes this reasonably straight-forward. I’ve assumed when you say “Column 11” you mean, the 11 column counting from 1, not the index-11 column where the 1st item is index-0


Until there's no data left ~
    Read line1 from file1
    Read line2 from file2
    Extract Col11 from line1 as a real number
    Extract Col2 & Col3 from line2 as real numbers
    IF Col11 is within Col2 & Col3
        do something

Python Code:

import sys

# Given a space-separated row of data, return the Nth column as a real number
def getNthColumn(row, N):
    # Single-space the row, removing tabs, double-spaces etc.
    row = ' '.join(row.split())
    fields = row.split(' ')
    result = float(fields[N-1])   # fields are numbered 0->(N-1)
    #print("Returning column %d from [%s] -> %f" % (N, row, result))
    return result

if (len(sys.argv) == 3):
    fin1 = open(sys.argv[1], "rt")
    fin2 = open(sys.argv[2], "rt")  #TODO - handle file-not-found errors, etc.

    line1 = fin1.readline()
    line2 = fin2.readline()
    while (line1 != "" and line2 != ""):
        # Get the columns from the two lines
        f1_col11 = getNthColumn(line1, 11)
        f2_col2  = getNthColumn(line2,  2)
        f2_col3  = getNthColumn(line2,  3)  ### TODO handle errors
        # work out if it's a keeper
        # print("Is %f >= %f and %f <= %f" % (f1_col11, f2_col2, f1_col11, f2_col3))
        if (f1_col11 >= f2_col2 and f1_col11 <= f2_col3):
            print("MATCH: "+line1)
            print("NO-MATCH: "+line1)
        # Next rows
        line1 = fin1.readline()
        line2 = fin2.readline()
    print("Give 2 files as arguments")

To be honest, if speed really is critical for this, it would be better to write it in a compiled language, e.g.: C/C++/Pascal, etc. etc.

EDIT: tested and working, added some debug print()s

EDIT2: Search file1-row against all rows in file2

import sys

# Hold all the file2 Columns
file2_col23 = []

# Given a space-separated row of data, return the Nth column as a real number
def getNthColumn(row, N):
    # Single-space the row, removing tabs, double-spaces etc.
    row = ' '.join(row.split())
    fields = row.split(' ')
        result = float(fields[N-1])   # fields are numbered 0->(N-1)
        sys.stderr.write("Failed to fetch number column %d from [%s]" % (N, row))
    #print("Returning column %d from [%s] -> %f" % (N, row, result))
    return result

if (len(sys.argv) == 3):
    fin1 = open(sys.argv[1], "rt")
    fin2 = open(sys.argv[2], "rt")  #TODO - handle file-not-found errors, etc.

    # Load in the whole of file2, but just the column2 & column3
    # note the minimum col2 and maximum c3
    line2 = fin2.readline()
    min_c2 = None
    max_c3 = None
    while (line2 != ""):
        col2 = getNthColumn(line2, 2)
        col3 = getNthColumn(line2, 3)
        file2_col23.append( ( col2, col3 ) )
        # Note the min c2 and max c3 so we can quickly know if a search can
        # possible produce a result
        if (min_c2 == None or col2 < min_c2):
            min_c2 = col2
        if (max_c3 == None or col3 > max_c3):
            max_c3 = col3
        # next line
        line2 = fin2.readline().strip()

    # sort the columns to allow us to short-cut searching

    line1 = fin1.readline()
    while (line1 != ""):
        col11 = getNthColumn(line1, 11)

        matched = False
        # is col11 is within any file2 row col2 or col3
        if (col11 >= min_c2 and col11 <= max_c3):   # make sure the search is worthwhile
            for col23 in file2_col23:
                (col2, col3) = col23
                if (col11 >= col2 and col11 <= col3):
                    matched = True

        if (matched == True):
            print("MATCH: "+str(line1))
            print("NO-MATCH: "+str(line1))

        # Next row
        line1 = fin1.readline()
    print("Give 2 files as arguments")


solved Extract rows having the 11th column values lies between 2nd and 3nd of a second file if 1st column matches