[Solved] Javascript coding

What you want to do is something like this:

  1. Get the user’s numbers and save them, prefably in an array.

  2. Loop through all the numbers and check if the number is N.

  3. If so, alert the user.

  4. Sort the array, alert the user.

Attempt to code:

// All the user's numbers
var UserNumbers = [15, 10, 11, 12, 13];

//The value to search for
var N = 12;

//Loop through the values
for(var i = 0; i < UserNumbers.Length; i++){
     if(UserNumbers[i] == N){
          //The number matches
          alert("You reached the end of the sequence";

// I am not sure what you mean with cresent order so that you'll have to solve for yourself.
//Sort the UserNumbers here

//Store the message to show the user

var message = "";

//Loop through the values - now in correct order and save them to the message
for(var i = 0; i < UserNumbers.Length; i++){
     //Add to the message
     message += UserNumbers[i] + " ";

//Show the message - all the containing numbers


Although this is an helpful community I am pretty certain that we’re not made out of teachers here to teach you how to code. Since this sounds to be an homework rather than a real life scenario, talk with your teacher or classmates. Good luck and next time, try to do some research before posting a question – there are plenty of tutorials for beginners out there.

solved Javascript coding