[Solved] Merge two queries to get the combined value in SQL

     select `EmpsID`, `CAT`, `CHK_DATE`, SUM(AMOUNT) as CurrentAmount,SUM(UNITS) as CurrentUnits 
     ,sum(case when date(`CHK_DATE`) = '2016-11-12'  then AMOUNT else 0 end) as '2016-11-12Amount' ,
      ,sum(case when date(`CHK_DATE`) = '2016-11-12'  then UNITS else 0 end) as '2016-11-12Units' ,
    from `pays` where `EmpsID` = 'SEMLAD01' and 
    `CAT` in ('Salary Pay', 'TRUCK ALLOWANCE', 'Expense Reimbursement', 
    'BONUS  (Accrued)', 'Phone Reimbursement')and date(`CHK_DATE`) <= '2016-11-12' 
     group by `CAT`

solved Merge two queries to get the combined value in SQL