[Solved] how to make multidimensional array using my variables

you can by some steps like mentions in code comment :

$start_date = "2018-01-01";
$start_time = "01:30 PM";
$due_time = "11:30 AM";

$glopal_array = array();
$data_array = list_days(strtotime($start_date),strtotime($due_date));// get all days in array
foreach($data_array as $item) {//loop in day array
    $res_arr_values  = array("allocation_date"=>$item,"t_project"=>$project,"t_assign_to"=>$assign_to,"t_start_time"=>$start_time,"t_end_time"=>$due_time);//set up 2d arry with keys
    array_push($glopal_array,$res_arr_values);//push the array the global array
echo "<pre>";
print_r($glopal_array);//print glopal array
echo "</pre>";

function list_days($date_from,$date_to){
    $arr_days = array();
    $arr_days[] = date('o-m-d',$date_from);
    $day_passed = ($date_to - $date_from); //seconds
    $day_passed = ($day_passed/86400); //days

    $counter = 1;
    $day_to_display = $date_from;
    while($counter < $day_passed){
        $day_to_display += 86400;
        //echo date("F j, Y \n", $day_to_display);
        $arr_days[] = date('o-m-d',$day_to_display);
    $arr_days[] = date('o-m-d',$date_to);

    return $arr_days;


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solved how to make multidimensional array using my variables