[Solved] Add new user to database

Your issue is simply syntax; you had a period instead of a comma at textBox1.Text+"'.'"+textBox3.Text

The other issue is that you need to use parameterized queries.

Here is your code updated to use parameterization…

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Byte[] IMAGES = null;
    FileStream STREAM = new FileStream(IMGLOCATION, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
    BinaryReader BSR = new BinaryReader(STREAM);
    IMAGES = BSR.ReadBytes((int)STREAM.Length);

    string SQLQUERY = "INSERT INTO USERS (FULNAME,USERNAME,PASSWORD,IMAGE,STATUS)VALUES(@name, @username, @password, @IMG, @status)";
    CMD = new SqlCommand(SQLQUERY,CON);
    CMD.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", textBox2.Text);
    CMD.Parameters.AddWithValue("@username", textBox1.Text);
    CMD.Parameters.AddWithValue("@password", textBox3.Text);
    CMD.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@IMG", IMAGES));
    CMD.Parameters.AddWithValue("@status", textBox4.Text);
    int N = CMD.ExecuteNonQuery();

Another side issue is that you’re not encrypting the password, but I’m guessing you’ll get to that eventually or just took it out for the sake of creating a minimal question.


solved Add new user to database