[Solved] Why use an extra let statement here? [duplicate]

The if-let construction is sort of superfluous in a simple case like this, but in a more complicated piece of code it can be useful. You can use it in a lot of the same ways you’d use an assignment in a conditional in (Obj)C (remember if (self = [super init])).

For example, if the optional being tested is a computed property:

var optionalName: String? {
get {
    if checkTouchID() {
        return "John Appleseed"
    } else {
        return nil
var greeting = "Hello!"
if optionalName {
    greeting = "Hello, \(optionalName)"

Paste that into a playground, along with a stub implementation of checkTouchID() that returns true, and you’ll immediately see in the results area that the optionalName getter is executing twice. If you use an if-let construction instead, you’ll only execute the getter once.

This also true — and perhaps more commonly useful — if you have a series of chained optional calls, as in the if let johnsStreet = john.residence?.address?.street example from the docs. You don’t want to rewrite the whole chain in the body of the if statement, much less recompute it.


solved Why use an extra let statement here? [duplicate]