[Solved] getting default data in ng-model input [closed]

If you just want a one-time/one-way bind to the length of an Array, use ng-value instead of ng-model:

<input ng-value="tripsheets.length" type="text">

If you have a two-way binding that can be changed from the default:

$scope.tripsheet = {
  tripsheet_num: $scope.tripsheets.length
<input ng-model="tripsheet.tripsheet_num" type="text">

Example in plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/UM4lyGZSxB1mEcpy9CqJ?p=preview

Finally, it sounds like you may be doing a remote call to a database, so you could use the following strategy:

$scope.tripsheet = {
  $resolved: false,
  tripsheet_num: null

When the remote call succeeds, set $resolved to true and also set the value of tripsheet_num. In the HTML you could do something like this:

<input ng-disabled="!tripsheet.$resolved" ng-model="tripsheet.tripsheet_num" type="text">

Resolve example on plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/q2Ua8KGqWr6HDphe92q0?p=preview


solved getting default data in ng-model input [closed]