[Solved] pointers not pointing correctly and comparison warnings

after much thinking, i finally figured it out:


void getUserInput(int *numHospitalRooms, int *numFlowers);

int main()
    float hospitalRoomsPrices_Array[5]={300.00,350.00,400.00,450.00,500.00};
    int numHospitalRooms = 0;
    int numFlowers = 0;
    float flowerPricing = 2.50;

    getUserInput(&numHospitalRooms, &numFlowers);

    float flowerCost = numFlowers*flowerPricing;

    float totalCost = (flowerCost + hospitalRoomsPrices_Array[numHospitalRooms - 1]);

    printf("\nCost for %d room(s): $%.2f", numHospitalRooms, hospitalRoomsPrices_Array[numHospitalRooms - 1]);
    printf("\nFlower(s) Cost: $%.2f \n", flowerCost);

    printf("\nTotal cost:  $%.2f", totalCost);

    return 0;

void getUserInput(int *numHospitalRooms, int *numFlowers)
    do {
        printf("\nHow many hospital rooms: ");
        scanf("%d", numHospitalRooms);
        if (*numHospitalRooms < 1 || *numHospitalRooms > 5)
            printf("\nInvalid number of rooms, room number must be between 1-5!\n");
    }while((*numHospitalRooms < 1 || *numHospitalRooms > 5));

    do {
        printf("\nEnter number of flowers: ");
        scanf("%d", numFlowers);
        if (*numFlowers < 0)
            printf("\nInvalid number of flowers, negative values are not accepted!\n");
    }while((*numFlowers < 0));

this should be like this: getUserInput(&numHospitalRooms, &numFlowers);

and this should be like this:

scanf("%d", numHospitalRooms); //no appresand

There was no need for all that back and forth for such a simple mistake anyone could have pointed out from here. As a student trying to learn, this feels very discouraging to have to fight for learning my mistakes. a simple two lines of code recommendation like i posted now would have shined a bright day here instead of a negative atmosphere.

solved pointers not pointing correctly and comparison warnings