[Solved] Reasons Equals() on Tuple could return false [closed]

This is required for equality:


So it depends on T. If T is a value type this will return true if the values are equal.

If T is a reference type then this will only return true if both of Item2 refer to the same instance or if T overridesEquals` so that different instances can be equated.

Prior to that you’re checking == between the two instances of T. That’s probably redundant, but it’s also going to fail for the same reason. Unless you also override the == operator it’s going to check reference types for reference equality.

I’d first remove the == check – just use Equals – and then ensure that you can expect that Equals to return true when you expect it to. That’s either by ensuring that the T overrides Equals to give the behavior you expect, or by ensuring that both are the same instance.


solved Reasons Equals() on Tuple could return false [closed]