[Solved] Linux programming in C++ [closed]

The Unix API is C (as is the Windows API); any calls into Unix will look
like C. That doesn’t stop you from using C++, however: if the function
requires a char const*, for example, you can call
std::string::c_str() on an std::string.

Whether you want the Unix function (e.g read()) or the C++ (>> on a
stream) depends on what you need. The C++ functionality is generally at
a higher level; read() will only read an array of bytes, for example,
and will not parse integers in text format. On the other hand, you
have a lot more low level control with read() and its assorted
functions; if you need transactional itegrity, for example, you’ll need
to use open(), passing it the approriate flags, which aren’t available
in std::fstream::open(). More generally, the C++ functions that
involve interaction with the exterior (or with other threads) are built
on the underlying Unix system calls. They provide a higher level of
abstraction, and will generally be simpler to use, but in specific
cases, they may not offer all of the functionality available at the lower levels.


solved Linux programming in C++ [closed]