[Solved] Fibbonacci sequence using for loop java [closed]

when you got number 5 as the printed out put you will set k++ , that will make k=6.
after that k = (k - 1) + (k - 2); output k = (6-1)+(6-2) = 5+4 = 9 , (note : the next should be 8 so your algorithm is wrong)

You have mistaken the Idea of Fibonacci numbers.

the nth Fibonacci number is equal to the sum of previous two Fibonacci numbers. not to the (Fn-1)+(Fn-2)

Edited :
So as you can see if we know the first 2 Fibonacci numbers we can calculate the third by adding those two. and the fourth one will be the summation of second one and third one and it goes ….. to n.

Okay here is a way that you don’t need a recursive approach ( you need to store the found Fibonacci numbers in an Array)

okay assume you want to find first n Fibonacci numbers. then create an array of size n and set first and second elements to one (1) since first two Fibonacci numbers are 1 and 1. now loop through the array from 2 to n. at each iteration add the previous two element to the next element.
go through the code. you will find it very easy to do.

 public static void fib(int n){

    int Fibonacci [] = new int[n];
    Fibonacci [0]=1;
    Fibonacci [1]=1;

    for (int i = 2; i < n; i++) {

        Fibonacci [i]=Fibonacci [i-1]+Fibonacci [i-2];


    System.out.println(Arrays.toString(Fibonacci ));


solved Fibbonacci sequence using for loop java [closed]