[Solved] How to put an element from an array infront of another element.?

A generic, in-place solution might be:


// random iterator, the behaviour is undefined if first == second, or
// first and second do not belong to some valid range
template<typename RIter>
void move_in_front_of( RIter first, RIter second )

  if( first < second )

int main()
  auto v1 = std::vector<int>{5,7,3,6,4};
  auto v2 = std::vector<int>{3,5,7,6,4};
  auto v3 = std::vector<int>{3,5,6,7,4};
  auto v4 = std::vector<int>{3,4,5,6,7};

  move_in_front_of( v1.begin()+2, v1.begin() );//3,5
  assert( v1 == v2 );
  move_in_front_of( v1.begin()+3, v1.begin()+2 );//6,7
  assert( v1 == v3 );
  move_in_front_of( v1.begin()+4, v1.begin()+1 );//4,5
  assert( v1 == v4 );

solved How to put an element from an array infront of another element.?