Average Calculator
The average calculator lets you calculate the mean and average of numbers within no time. this tool is free and easy to use.
What is an average?
The term average has a number of different meanings. Most generally, it is a single number that is used to represent a collection of numbers. In the context of mathematics, "average" refers to the mean, specifically, the arithmetic mean. It is a relatively simple statistical concept that is widely used in many areas.
The equation below is one of the more commonly understood definitions of the average:
Average = Sum/Count
where the sum is the result of adding all of the given numbers, and the count is the number of values being added. For example, given the 5 numbers, 2, 7, 19, 24, and 25, the average can be calculated as such:
Average = (2 + 7 + 19 + 24 + 25)/5
Average = 77/5
Average = 15.4
IT will Also Tell you
Average Value15.4 |
Arithmetic: 15.4 |
Geometric: 10.9801 |
Harmonic: 6.4337 |
Sum | 77 |
Count | 5 |
Median | 19 |
Geometric Mean | 10.9801 |
Largest | 25 |
Smallest | 2 |
Range | 23 |

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