PHP: How to Convert String to an Array [explode()]


Convert string or comma separated string to array in PHP; In this tutorial, we will learn how to convert a string, comma separated strings to an array in PHP using explode().

We should also read this PHP array and string tutorials:

How to Convert a String to Array in PHP

Basically, the PHP explode() function is used to split or break strings to substrings by a given delimiter(comma, $, #, @, ! etc) in PHP. And it returns an array of broken substrings that you can assign to arrays variable in PHP.

In other words, the PHP explode() function is used to convert a string or a comma separated string into an array.

The basic syntax of explode() function is:


Parameters of explode function In PHP:

Parameter Description
separator Required. Specifies where to break the string
string Required. The string to split
limit Optional. Specifies the number of array elements to return. Possible values:Greater than 0 – Returns an array with a maximum of limit element(s)Less than 0 – Returns an array except for the last -limit elements()0 – Returns an array with one element

Let’s take different types of examples of convert string into an array

Let’s see the following examples of convert string or comma seperated stringto array in PHP using explode() function:

  • Example 1 – Convert string into an array
  • Example 2 – String converted to a string
  • Example 2 – String converted to a string

Example 1 – Convert string into an array

In the following example, we have declared a string variable and assigned it a into a $string variable:

$string = "I love PHP";
print_r (explode(" ",$string));


Array ( [0] => I [1] => love [2] => PHP )

First Example Source Code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Convert Strings to Arrays in PHP Example</title>

<h4>Break a string into an array In PHP</h4>

$string= "I love PHP";
print_r (explode(" ",$string));


Example 2 – String converted to a string

In the following example, we have declared a new string variable and given it a number in this format:

 $nStr = "001-234-567678";
 print_r (explode("-",$nStr));


Array ( [0] => 001 [1] => 234 [2] => 567678 )

After that, the explode method is used to split a string using a hyphen (dash) delimiter. The returned array is assigned to the array.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Convert Number Strings to Arrays in PHP Example</title>

<h4>Break a number string into an array In PHP</h4>

 $nStr = "001-234-567678";
 print_r (explode("-",$nStr));


Example 3 – Convert string into an array using the limit parameter

In the following example, we have declared a one-string variable. With this declared variable, we will use the limit parameter of exploding function:

$string = "I love PHP and Laravel, Also love angular js";

 // without limit
print_r(explode(' ',$string));
print "<br>";
// zero limit
print "<br>";

// positive limit
print "<br>";

// negative limit 


Array ( [0] => I [1] => love [2] => PHP [3] => and [4] => Laravel, [5] => Also [6] => love [7] => angular [8] => js )

Array ( [0] => I love PHP and Laravel, Also love angular js )

Array ( [0] => I love PHP and Laravel [1] => Also love angular js )

Array ( [0] => I love PHP and Laravel )

Source code of the limit parameter Of explode() In PHP
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Convert Number Strings to Arrays in PHP with Limit Parameter Example</title>

<h4>Break a number string into an array In PHP With Limit Parameter</h4>

$string = "I love PHP and Laravel, Also love angular js";

 // without limit
print_r(explode(' ',$string));
print "<br>";
// zero limit
print "<br>";

// positive limit
print "<br>";

// negative limit 



Convert strings into arrays in PHP using Explode() Function; we have learned how to convert strings to an array with different types of delimiters of Explode() function in PHP.

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  4. PHP remove duplicates from multidimensional array
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  6. Array Push and POP in PHP | PHP Tutorial
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Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

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