-h: Display help information. Linux Commands – Overview with Examples and FAQs


Linux Command -h is a powerful tool that allows users to quickly access help information about a particular command. It is a great way to quickly learn more about a command and its various options. With the help of this command, users can quickly find out what a command does, what its options are, and how to use it. This command is especially useful for those who are new to Linux and need help understanding the various commands and their options.



Description: The ls command is used to list the contents of a directory.

Syntax: ls [options] [file|dir]

-a: List all files, including hidden files.
-l: List files in long format, which includes permissions, ownership, size, and timestamp information.
-h: Display file sizes in human-readable format.
-R: Recursively list subdirectories.


The -h flag is a helpful command line option that can be used with many Linux commands. It stands for “help” and when used, it displays helpful information about the command. For example, if you wanted to learn more about the ls command, you could type ls -h and it would display a list of options and a brief description of each one. This is a great way to quickly learn more about a command and how to use it.

The -h flag can also be used with other commands, such as grep, find, and sort. For example, if you wanted to learn more about the grep command, you could type grep -h and it would display a list of options and a brief description of each one. This is a great way to quickly learn more about a command and how to use it.

The -h flag is a great way to quickly learn more about a command and how to use it. It can be used with many Linux commands and can help you quickly understand how to use them. So, if you ever find yourself stuck and not sure how to use a command, try using the -h flag to get some helpful information.

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman


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