Examples: Linux Commands – Overview with Examples and FAQs


Linux commands are a powerful tool for managing and controlling your system. They allow you to perform a variety of tasks, from basic system administration to complex programming. In this article, we will provide some examples of Linux commands and explain how they work. We will also discuss some of the most commonly used commands and their uses. With these examples, you will be able to get a better understanding of how to use Linux commands and become more comfortable with the command line.


1. ls: The ls command is used to list the contents of a directory.


$ ls

Desktop Documents Downloads Music Pictures Public Videos

2. cd: The cd command is used to change the current working directory.


$ cd Documents

$ pwd



Linux Command

Linux commands are the instructions that are executed by the operating system to perform specific tasks. They are used to control the system and perform various operations such as creating, modifying, and deleting files, running programs, managing system resources, and more. Linux commands are typically issued at the command line, which is a text-based interface.

Common Linux Commands

Some of the most commonly used Linux commands include:

  • ls – List the contents of a directory
  • cd – Change the current working directory
  • mkdir – Create a new directory
  • rm – Remove a file or directory
  • mv – Move or rename a file or directory
  • cat – Display the contents of a file
  • chmod – Change the permissions of a file or directory
  • grep – Search for a pattern in a file or files
  • find – Search for files in a directory hierarchy
  • man – Display the manual page for a command

Using Linux Commands

Linux commands are typically issued at the command line, which is a text-based interface. To use a command, you type it at the command prompt and press Enter. The command will then be executed and the output will be displayed on the screen.

For example, to list the contents of the current directory, you would type the command ls and press Enter. The output of the command will be a list of the files and directories in the current directory.

You can also use command line options to modify the behavior of a command. For example, the ls command has an option -l which will list the contents of a directory in a long format. To use this option, you would type the command ls -l and press Enter.


Linux commands are powerful tools that can be used to control the system and perform various operations. They are typically issued at the command line, which is a text-based interface. Common Linux commands include ls, cd, mkdir, rm, mv, cat, chmod, grep, find, and man.

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman


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