Windows Commands: A Guide to Network Troubleshooting

If you are a Windows user, you know how important it is to have a basic understanding of network troubleshooting. Whether you are trying to solve a connection issue or simply want to know more about your network settings, Windows commands are a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals. In this article, we will take a closer look at some of the most useful Windows commands for network troubleshooting.

ipconfig: Get Information About Your Network Settings

Ipconfig is one of the most useful Windows commands for network troubleshooting. It allows you to get detailed information about your network settings, such as your IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, and DNS servers. Here are some of the most commonly used ipconfig commands:

  • ipconfig: This command will display basic information about your network settings, including your IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway.
  • ipconfig /all: This command will display detailed information about your network settings, including your physical address, DHCP server, and DNS servers.
  • ipconfig /release: This command will release your current IP address, allowing you to obtain a new one from the DHCP server.
  • ipconfig /renew: This command will request a new IP address from the DHCP server.
  • ipconfig /displaydns: This command will display the contents of your DNS resolver cache.
  • ipconfig /flushdns: This command will flush your DNS resolver cache.

nslookup: Query DNS Servers for Information

Nslookup is a Windows command that allows you to query DNS servers for information about domain names and IP addresses. This can be useful for troubleshooting network connectivity issues, such as DNS resolution problems. Here are some of the most commonly used nslookup commands:

  • nslookup: This command will display the default DNS server and the IP address of a specified domain name or IP address.
  • nslookup -type=mx: This command will display the mail exchange (MX) records for a specified domain name.
  • nslookup -type=ns: This command will display the name server (NS) records for a specified domain name.
  • nslookup -type=a: This command will display the IP address for a specified domain name.

ping: Test Network Connectivity

Ping is a Windows command that allows you to test network connectivity by sending ICMP packets to a specified IP address or domain name. This can be useful for troubleshooting network connectivity issues, such as packet loss or high latency. Here are some of the most commonly used ping commands:

  • ping: This command will send ICMP packets to a specified IP address or domain name and display the round-trip time and packet loss statistics.
  • ping -t: This command will continuously send ICMP packets to a specified IP address or domain name until you stop it.
  • ping -n: This command will send a specified number of ICMP packets to a specified IP address or domain name.

tracert: Trace the Route to a Remote Host

Tracert is a Windows command that allows you to trace the route to a remote host by sending ICMP packets with increasing TTL values. This can be useful for troubleshooting network connectivity issues, such as routing problems. Here are some of the most commonly used tracert commands:

  • tracert: This command will display the route to a specified IP address or domain name and the round-trip time for each hop.
  • tracert -d: This command will disable DNS resolution, allowing you to trace the route to a specified IP address.
  • tracert -h: This command will set the maximum number of hops to a specified value.

netstat: Display Network Statistics

Netstat is a command-line tool used to display active network connections, network statistics, and other important information. By using the netstat command, you can quickly identify the ports and IP addresses that are currently in use on your computer. This information can be helpful in troubleshooting network connectivity issues and identifying potential security risks.

Here are some useful netstat commands:

  • netstat: Displays active TCP connections, listening ports, and other network statistics.
  • netstat -af: Displays all active TCP and UDP connections, including IPv4 and IPv6 connections.
  • netstat -o: Displays active TCP connections along with the process ID (PID) of the process that is using the connection.
  • netstat -e -t 5: Displays network statistics for a specified period of time (5 seconds in this example). This command can be useful for monitoring network usage and identifying potential performance issues.
  • netstat -an: Displays all active TCP and UDP connections, along with the associated IP addresses and port numbers.

By default, the netstat command displays active TCP connections. You can use various command-line options to modify the output of the command and display additional information.

For example, if you want to display all active connections, including TCP and UDP connections, you can use the -a option. If you want to display detailed information about each connection, including the process ID and name, you can use the -b option. If you want to display the active connections in real-time, you can use the -c option.

Overall, netstat is a powerful command-line tool that can be used to display important network statistics and troubleshoot network connectivity issues. Whether you are a network administrator or a casual user, knowing how to use netstat can be a valuable skill.

Is your computer slow???

This isn’t a specific command, but it’s a common question that many Windows users ask. If your computer is running slow, there are several commands you can use to diagnose and fix the issue. We’ll explore some of these commands later in this article.

Network Configuration Commands

In addition to IP configuration commands, there are several commands that allow you to view and manage your computer’s network connections and settings.


The nslookup command allows you to query DNS servers for information about a specific domain name or IP address. To use this command, open a Command Prompt window and type nslookup followed by the domain name or IP address you want to query.


The cls command clears the screen of the Command Prompt window, making it easier to read the output of other commands.

getmac /v

The getmac /v command displays the MAC addresses for all network adapters on your computer, along with their associated IP addresses and other information

For Examples


Ping is a command that allows you to test your internet connection and check for network issues. By using the ping command, you can determine whether a specific server or website is accessible and responding to requests. The basic syntax of the ping command is as follows:

ping [IP address or hostname]

For example, to ping Google’s website, you would use the following command:


Ping will send a packet of data to the specified address and wait for a response. The results of the ping test will show you the amount of time it took for the packet to be sent and received, as well as the number of packets lost in the process.

ping -t

The ping -t command is used to continuously ping a specific address until the user stops the command. This can be useful for monitoring the stability of your network connection over a longer period of time. To use this command, simply append the -t flag to the ping command like so:

ping -t [IP address or hostname]


Tracert (short for “trace route”) is a command used to identify the path taken by data packets as they travel from your computer to a specific destination on the internet. This can help you diagnose network issues and identify the source of any problems. The basic syntax of the tracert command is as follows:

tracert [IP address or hostname]

For example, to trace the route to Google’s website, you would use the following command:


Tracert will show you the IP address of each router that the data packet passes through on its way to the destination, as well as the time it takes to reach each router.

tracert -d

The tracert -d command is used to disable the reverse DNS lookup during a tracert operation. This can speed up the process of tracing the route to a destination, as the command won’t try to resolve the IP addresses to hostnames. To use this command, simply append the -d flag to the tracert command like so:

tracert -d [IP address or hostname]


Netstat (short for “network statistics”) is a command used to display active network connections and their respective information, such as IP addresses, ports, and protocols. This can be useful for monitoring network activity and identifying potential security threats. The basic syntax of the netstat command is as follows:


By default, netstat will display all active TCP connections. You can also use the -a, -n, and -o flags to display all connections, numeric IP addresses, and the process ID associated with each connection, respectively.

netstat -af

The netstat -af command is used to display active network connections and their respective information for both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. To use this command, simply append the -af flag to the netstat command like so:

netstat -af

netstat -o

The netstat -o command is used to display active network connections and their respective information, along with the process ID associated with each connection. This can help you identify which programs or processes are using the network connection. To use this command, simply append the -o flag to the netstat command like so:

netstat -o

netstat -e -t 5

The netstat -e -t 5 command is used to display network statistics for a specific interval of time. The -e flag displays extended information about the network

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

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