Why Is My Chromebook So Slow? 6 Fixes to Try!

1. Check for malware: Malware can slow down your Chromebook and cause other problems. Use an antivirus program to scan your Chromebook for any malicious software.

2. Clear your cache: Your Chromebook stores temporary files in its cache, which can slow down your device. Clear your cache regularly to keep your Chromebook running smoothly.

3. Update your software: Outdated software can cause your Chromebook to run slowly. Make sure you’re running the latest version of Chrome OS and any other apps you use.

4. Close unnecessary tabs: Too many open tabs can slow down your Chromebook. Close any tabs you’re not using to free up memory and speed up your device.

5. Restart your Chromebook: If your Chromebook is still running slowly, try restarting it. This can help clear out any temporary files or processes that may be causing the slowdown.

6. Reset your Chromebook: If all else fails, you can reset your Chromebook to its factory settings. This will erase all your data, so make sure you back up any important files before you do this.

Chromebooks rarely slow down over time, but if your Chrome OS device is not performing well, don’t worry. There are several ways you can try to improve a Chromebook’s performance and fix the issue. One option is to revert to an earlier build or update to the latest build, as this can resolve issues caused by a recent update. You can also identify any apps that may be causing the slow-down and close or uninstall them on your Chromebook. If you’re not sure which apps may be causing the issue, use the built-in task manager to help identify them. With that said, let’s look at the steps to troubleshoot and fix a Chromebook that’s running slow.

Is Your Chromebook Running Slow? Try These Fixes (2023)

If your Chromebook has gotten slower over time, don’t fret, as we have added six different ways to fix the slow-down issue. You can expand the table below and move to the method you wish to test out first.

Open the Task Manager on Your Chromebook

To find out why your Chromebook is running slow, open the Task Manager on your Chromebook and check the apps or extensions hogging crucial resources. This will help you notice the problem behind the slow performance. So here is how this method works:

1. First, press the “Search + Esc” keyboard shortcut on your Chromebook to open the Task Manager.

Is Your Chromebook Running Slow? Follow Our Fixes (2023)

2. Here, you can click on “Memory footprint” and check which apps and extensions are eating up the most RAM. Next, you can click on “CPU” to find apps hogging CPU resources. Then, you can also click on “Network” to sort the apps list and find apps that are actively using an internet connection in the background. Basically, you can find the culprit apps depending on the CPU, memory, and network usage here. You can also choose to uninstall these apps if you’d like by moving to the next section.

Task Manager on chrome os

3. For the time being, right-click on the app and press the “End process” button at the bottom right to terminate the process. Repeat this for other apps or extensions that are eating resources abnormally. This method will speed up your slow Chromebook significantly.

Task Manager on chrome os

Uninstall Unnecessary Apps and Extensions on Chromebook

If you want to permanently uninstall apps that are causing CPU and memory spikes on your Chromebook, this guide will help you out with that. Apart from that, you should also remove unnecessary apps and extensions from your Chromebook to speed up things. Generally, these apps stay active in the background and actively run a few services, which slow down the Chromebook. So it’s best to delete apps/extensions on your Chromebook that you rarely use. Here’s how:

1. Go ahead and open the Chromebook App Launcher from the bottom-left corner.

Uninstall Unnecessary Apps and Extensions

2. Now, right-click on the app causing slow-down issues on your Chromebook and select “Uninstall” from the context menu. Repeat this for all other apps you don’t use regularly. This will not only free up storage space on your Chromebook but also speed up the device.

Uninstall Unnecessary Apps and Extensions

3. To uninstall Linux apps on your Chromebook, open the “Linux apps” folder inside the App Launcher. Here, right-click on the app and choose “Uninstall”. If the “Uninstall” button doesn’t appear, you can follow our advanced guide to delete apps linked above.

uninstall linux apps

4. And to remove irrelevant extensions, open Chrome and click on the “Extensions” icon next to the address bar. Then, click on “Manage extensions” in the pop-up menu.

Uninstall Unnecessary Apps and Extensions

5. On the extensions page, click on “Remove” to uninstall an extension right away.

Uninstall Unnecessary Apps and Extensions

Free Up Storage If Your Chromebook is Running Slow

We already know that budget Chromebooks come with little storage, and it fills up quickly. If you have less space on your Chromebook, the system does not function properly, thus, slowing down your machine. So to free up storage on a Chromebook, follow the steps below.

1. First, we need to check the available space on your Chromebook. For that, open the Files app and click on the 3-dot menu in the top-right corner. At the bottom, you will see the available disk space.

Free Up Storage If Your Chromebook is Running Slow

2. Now open the App Launcher and type “storage” in the search bar at the top. Next, click on “Storage management“.

Why Is My Chromebook So Slow? 6 Fixes to Try!

3. Here, you can find all the apps and services that take up space on your Chromebook. Click on “My files” here, and it will open the Files app.

Free Up Storage If Your Chromebook is Running Slow

4. Next, delete the files you no longer need. If you want to keep some of the files, move them to Google Drive or a microSD card.

Free Up Storage If Your Chromebook is Running Slow

5. Next, selecting the “Browsing Data” option will allow you to clear all your browsing history, cache, and cookies on Chrome. Here, select “Cached images and files” and change the Time Range to “All time” at the top. After that, click on “Clear Data” to free up considerable storage on your Chromebook.

Free Up Storage If Your Chromebook is Running Slow

6. Having done that, click on “Apps and extensions” in the “Storage management” settings window. This will list out all the web apps, Android apps, and extensions on your Chromebook. You can uninstall them right from here. Just click on the app you wish to remove to find the “Uninstall” button and fix your slow Chromebook.

uninstall apps

Reduce Disk Space For Linux on Your Chromebook

You can reduce Linux’s footprint or simply remove the installation if you don’t use the container at all. This will save a ton of space on your Chromebook, with no processes running in a VM container. So if you rarely use Linux on your Chromebook, follow these steps to reduce its disk space or remove the VM altogether.

1. Under “Storage management”, click on “Linux (Beta) storage“.

Why Is My Chromebook So Slow? 6 Fixes to Try!

2. It will open the Linux configuration page. Here, click the “Change” button next to the “Disk Size” option.

remove linux from chrome os

3. After that, reduce the storage assigned to Linux using the slider. If you don’t use Linux frequently, you can reduce the storage space it takes up to 8GB without any issues.

remove linux from chrome os

4. And if you don’t use Linux at all, simply click the “Remove” button next to the “Remove Linux for Chromebook” option. It will free up a ton of space and fix your slow Chromebook right away.

remove linux from chrome os

Update or Downgrade Your Chromebook

If you haven’t updated your Chromebook for a while, we suggest you go ahead with it. Google frequently releases Chrome OS updates that come with performance fixes. So if a recent update botched up the performance on your Chromebook, the latest update might fix it for you. In case you were getting good performance on a previous build and want to revert to an older version of Chrome OS, you can follow our guide linked here. As for updating the Chromebook, follow the steps below.

1. Open the Quick Settings panel on the bottom-right corner and click the “cogwheel” icon to open the Settings page.

Update/Downgrade Your Chromebook

2. Next, go to “About ChromeOS” in the left sidebar and click on “Check for updates” in the right pane.

Update/Downgrade Your Chromebook

3. Your Chromebook will now look for new updates, and it will download and apply the update automatically if there is a pending one. You only need to restart the Chromebook to reflect the changes.

Update/Downgrade Your Chromebook

Powerwash Your Laggy Chromebook

Sometimes, no matter what fix you follow, it simply does not work in fixing a slow Chromebook. In such cases, you have the option to hard reset your Chromebook (also called powerwash). This process reinstalls the latest build of Chrome OS and removes all the apps, extensions, local files, and folders from your Chromebook. So make sure to sync your crucial files with Google Drive before powerwashing your Chromebook.

1. Open the Quick Settings panel on the bottom-right corner and click the “cogwheel” icon to open the Settings page.

quick settings panel

2. Click on “Advanced” in the left sidebar to expand the menu and then open “Reset settings“.

Powerwash Your Laggy Chromebook

3. In the right pane, click on “Reset” to start powerwashing your Chromebook. After the reboot, set up your Chromebook to fix slow-down issues. Hopefully, you will not face any performance issues this time around.

Powerwash Your Laggy Chromebook

Is Your Chromebook Slow and Freezing? Resolve Now!

These are six ways to improve the performance of your Chromebook and fix the slow-down issue. To start, get rid of any dubious apps and extensions that may be using a lot of resources. Additionally, free up storage for better performance. If your Chromebook is not turning on, you can check our detailed guide for an instant fix. And if you are looking to replace your aging machine with the best gaming Chromebook, you can refer to a curated list. If you have any issues, feel free to let us know in the comments section below.


Why Is My Chromebook So Slow? 6 Fixes to Try!

If you’ve been using your Chromebook for a while, you may have noticed that it’s not running as quickly as it used to. This is a common problem with Chromebooks, but luckily there are a few things you can do to speed it up again. Here are 6 fixes to try if your Chromebook is running slow.

1. Restart Your Chromebook

The first thing you should try is restarting your Chromebook. This will close all open apps and processes, and can help clear up any issues that may be causing your Chromebook to slow down. To restart your Chromebook, press and hold the power button for about 10 seconds until it shuts off. Then press the power button again to turn it back on.

2. Clear Your Cache

Another thing you can do to speed up your Chromebook is to clear your cache. This will delete any temporary files that may be taking up space and slowing down your device. To clear your cache, open the Chrome browser and click on the three dots in the top right corner. Then select “More tools” and click on “Clear browsing data.” Select “Cached images and files” and click “Clear data.”

3. Uninstall Unused Apps

If you have a lot of apps installed on your Chromebook, it can slow down the device. To speed it up, you should uninstall any apps that you don’t use. To do this, open the Chrome browser and click on the three dots in the top right corner. Then select “More tools” and click on “Extensions.” Here you can see all the apps installed on your Chromebook. Select the ones you don’t use and click “Remove.”

4. Update Your Chromebook

If your Chromebook is running an outdated version of the operating system, it can slow down the device. To make sure your Chromebook is running the latest version, open the Chrome browser and click on the three dots in the top right corner. Then select “Settings” and click on “About Chrome OS.” Here you can check for updates and install any available updates.

5. Disable Unnecessary Extensions

If you have a lot of extensions installed on your Chromebook, it can slow down the device. To speed it up, you should disable any extensions that you don’t use. To do this, open the Chrome browser and click on the three dots in the top right corner. Then select “More tools” and click on “Extensions.” Here you can see all the extensions installed on your Chromebook. Select the ones you don’t use and click “Disable.”

6. Reset Your Chromebook

If none of the above fixes work, you can try resetting your Chromebook. This will delete all your data and settings, and restore your Chromebook to its original factory settings. To reset your Chromebook, open the Chrome browser and click on the three dots in the top right corner. Then select “Settings” and click on “Advanced.” Here you can find the “Reset” option. Click on it and follow the instructions to reset your Chromebook.

If your Chromebook is still running slow after trying these fixes, you may need to take it to a professional for repair. But hopefully these tips will help you get your Chromebook running faster again!

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman


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