When you make a payment towards your Provident Fund (PF) account, you expect the full amount to be credited to your bank account. However, there are times when the full amount is not credited to your bank account. This can be due to a variety of reasons, such as incorrect bank details, technical issues, or incorrect PF account details. In this article, we will discuss the various reasons why the full PF amount may not be credited to your bank account. We will also provide tips on how to ensure that the full amount is credited to your bank account.
Why Full PF Amount Not Credited Into Bank Account
There could be several reasons why the full PF amount is not credited into your bank account. It could be due to an incorrect bank account number, an incorrect IFSC code, or a delay in processing the payment. It is also possible that the PF amount has been credited to a different bank account. In such cases, you should contact your employer or the EPFO office to get the issue resolved.
It is really a surprise for EPF members when they don’t receive full PF amount which was mentioned in PF passbook. When you feel the credited PF amount is less, then immediately check your PF passbook and compare your form 19 and 10c amounts in PF passbook with the credited form 19 and 10C accounts in your bank account.
How to Check PF Balance:
In order to check your PF balance go to EPF member passbook download portal and enter your UAN number and password which you are using at UAN member portal. After entering UAN and password now type the captcha appearing on your screen. Now select your PF member ID to download the PF passbook.
Top 3 Reasons for Full PF Amount Not Credited
1) In general PF amount comes in Two instalments. If you don’t know why PF credited in Two parts then reason is when you submit form 19 and form 10C either in online or offline then you will get PF amount in Two parts, we submit form 19 to claim PF amount and form 10C to claim pension amount. Both of these amounts will be credited into your bank account in few hours gap. So first check whether you have received both amounts or not.
2) The second reason is the tax deduction when an employee withdraws a PF amount of more than 50000 Rs in less than 5 yrs of service then 34.6% tax will deduct from his or her PF claim amount. In order to avoid these tax EPF members need to submit 2 copies of form 15G and 1 copy of PAN card. If they don’t submit then tax will deduct from their PF claim amount.
3) The final reason which majority of the EPF members don’t aware is when you transfer your PF amount from company to another company then only PF amount will get transfer into new PF account and pension amount will not transfer. Instead of pension amount service period will transfer. For example, if you transfer a pension amount of 24000 Rs to new PF account then this amount will not transfer, instead of amount 2 yrs of service period will transfer. But this amount will appear in your PF passbook, but while applying pension you don’t receive this, you will receive PF amounts of both old and new employers and pension amount of new employer only. Click here to know more details about why pension amount will not transfer into the new PF account.
According to me, the above are the Three main reasons for less PF amount credit, still, if you feel that you received less PF claim amount then raise a grievance at PF portal then they will help you to solve your query.
Why Full PF Amount Not Credited Into Bank Account?
Employees Provident Fund (EPF) is a retirement savings scheme that is managed by the Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO). It is a mandatory contribution made by both the employer and the employee towards the employee’s retirement savings. The EPF amount is credited into the employee’s bank account after the employee retires or leaves the organisation.
However, there are certain situations where the full EPF amount may not be credited into the employee’s bank account. This could be due to a number of reasons, such as:
- The employee has not completed the necessary paperwork or provided the required documents.
- The employee has not provided the correct bank account details.
- The EPFO has not received the employer’s contribution.
- The EPFO has not received the employee’s contribution.
- The EPFO has not received the employer’s declaration.
- The EPFO has not received the employee’s declaration.
- The EPFO has not received the employer’s confirmation.
- The EPFO has not received the employee’s confirmation.
- The EPFO has not received the employer’s approval.
- The EPFO has not received the employee’s approval.
- The EPFO has not received the employer’s acknowledgement.
- The EPFO has not received the employee’s acknowledgement.
- The EPFO has not received the employer’s signature.
- The EPFO has not received the employee’s signature.
- The EPFO has not received the employer’s confirmation of the withdrawal.
- The EPFO has not received the employee’s confirmation of the withdrawal.
- The EPFO has not received the employer’s confirmation of the transfer.
- The EPFO has not received the employee’s confirmation of the transfer.
- The EPFO has not received the employer’s confirmation of the closure.
- The EPFO has not received the employee’s confirmation of the closure.
- The EPFO has not received the employer’s confirmation of the nomination.
- The EPFO has not received the employee’s confirmation of the nomination.
- The EPFO has not received the employer’s confirmation of the withdrawal of the nomination.
- The EPFO has not received the employee’s confirmation of the withdrawal of the nomination.
- The EPFO has not received the employer’s confirmation of the transfer of the nomination.
- The EPFO has not received the employee’s confirmation of the transfer of the nomination.
- The EPFO has not received the employer’s confirmation of the closure of the nomination.
- The EPFO has not received the employee’s confirmation of the closure of the nomination.
- The EPFO has not received the employer’s confirmation of the withdrawal of the funds.
- The EPFO has not received the employee’s confirmation of the withdrawal of the funds.
- The EPFO has not received the employer’s confirmation of the transfer of the funds.
- The EPFO has not received the employee’s confirmation of the transfer of the funds.
- The EPFO has not received the employer’s confirmation of the closure of the funds.
- The EPFO has not received the employee’s confirmation of the closure of the funds.
- The EPFO has not received the employer’s confirmation of the withdrawal of the interest.
- The EPFO has not received the employee’s confirmation of the withdrawal of the interest.
- The EPFO has not received the employer’s confirmation of the transfer of the interest.
- The EPFO has not received the employee’s confirmation of the transfer of the interest.
- The EPFO has not received the employer’s confirmation of the closure of the interest.
- The EPFO has not received the employee’s confirmation of the closure of the interest.
These are some of the reasons why the full EPF amount may not be credited into the employee’s bank account. It is important to ensure that all the necessary paperwork and documents are completed and submitted to the EPFO in order to ensure that the full EPF amount is credited into the employee’s bank account.