Where Are Your Google Cloud Data Center Locations?


We use Google Cloud Platform’s multi-regional deployment mode. This means that you can choose between different Google Cloud data center locations for each of your WordPress websites, which allows you to place your website in a geographical location closest to your visitors. This ensures low latency and blazing fast load times.

Google Cloud Data Center Locations

You are free to choose from the following 34 data centers for your WordPress websites:

  1. Changhua County, Taiwan (asia-east1)
  2. Hong Kong (asia-east2)
  3. Tokyo, Japan (asia-northeast1)
  4. Osaka, Japan (asia-northeast2)
  5. Seoul, South Korea (asia-northeast3)
  6. Mumbai, India (asia-south1)
  7. Delhi, India (asia-south2)
  8. Jurong West, Singapore (asia-southeast1)
  9. Jakarta, Indonesia (asia-southeast2)
  10. Sydney, Australia (australia-southeast1)
  11. Melbourne, Australia (australia-southeast2)
  12. Warsaw, Poland (europe-central2)
  13. Hamina, Finland (europe-north1)
  14. Madrid, Spain (europe-southwest1)
  15. St. Ghislain, Belgium (europe-west1)
  16. London, United Kingdom (europe-west2)
  17. Frankfurt, Germany (europe-west3)
  18. Eemshaven, Netherlands (europe-west4)
  19. Zurich, Switzerland (europe-west6)
  20. Milan, Italy (europe-west8)
  21. Paris, France (europe-west9)
  22. Montréal, Canada (northamerica-northeast1)
  23. Toronto, Canada (northamerica-northeast2)
  24. São Paulo, Brazil (southamerica-east1)
  25. Santiago, Chile (southamerica-west1)
  26. Council Bluffs, Iowa, USA (us-central1)
  27. Moncks Corner, South Carolina, USA (us-east1)
  28. Ashburn, Virginia, USA (us-east4)
  29. Columbus, Ohio, USA (us-east5)
  30. Dallas, Texas, USA (us-south1)
  31. The Dalles, Oregon, USA (us-west1)
  32. Los Angeles, California, USA (us-west2)
  33. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA (us-west3)
  34. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (us-west4)

Google Cloud Data Center Upcoming Locations

As a sneak peek, you might be interested in knowing that there are currently 2 data center locations that are next in the queue to be activated. Specifically:

  1. Doha, Qatar
  2. Mexico

Choose a Data Center Location in MyKinsta

The Google Cloud Platform locations are available in MyKinsta when you add a new site. We recommend selecting the data center location closest to your target audience. If you’re primarily targeting visitors in your region, you can use the free GCP Ping tool to locate the nearest data center.

Google Cloud Platform server locations.
Google Cloud Platform server locations.

Moving Existing WordPress Sites

If you are interested in moving your existing WordPress site, simply open up a support ticket. Moving locations requires an IP address change and additional steps from our team.

Our previous locations were already very centrally located, so we only recommend moving if you are serving customers or visitors in a specific geographical location. For example, if you run a local e-commerce shop in Sydney, Australia, our previous closest location would have been Taiwan. Now we have a Sydney location available which could definitely decrease load times and latency. Feel free to ask our team if you have questions.

About Google Cloud

Some notable companies that are using Google Cloud data center locations include Spotify, Snapchat, HTC, Best Buy, Philips, Coca Cola, Domino’s, Feedly, ShareThis, Sony Music, and Ubisoft. Even Apple has been seen moving some of its services away from AWS, spending between $400 million and $600 million on Google Cloud Platform; although this couldn’t be independently confirmed.

And most recently Evernote made the decision to migrate its 200 million users. Ben McCormack, VP Operations at Evernote stated on their blog:

“Evernote will gain significant improvements in performance, security, efficiency, and scalability. Moving to the cloud also allows us to focus time and resources on the things that matter most.”

See a full list of case studies and companies utilizing different services on Google Cloud Platform.

Save time, costs and maximize site performance with:

  • Instant help from WordPress hosting experts, 24/7.
  • Cloudflare Enterprise integration.
  • Global audience reach with 34 data centers worldwide.
  • Optimization with our built-in Application Performance Monitoring.

All of that and much more, in one plan with no long-term contracts, assisted migrations, and a 30-day-money-back-guarantee. Check out our plans or talk to sales to find the plan that’s right for you.


Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman


Passionate Professional Blogger, Freelancer, WordPress Enthusiast, Digital Marketer, Web Developer, Server Operator, Networking Expert. Empowering online presence with diverse skills.

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Jassweb always keeps its services up-to-date with the latest trends in the market, providing its customers all over the world with high-end and easily extensible internet, intranet, and extranet products.


Jassweb, Rai Chak, Punjab, India. 143518
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