What’s New In WordPress 4.7

WordPress 4.7, named “Vaughan” in honor of legendary jazz vocalist Sarah “Sassy” Vaughan, is now available. This latest version of WordPress comes with a number of improvements and new features, including:

• A new default theme: Twenty Seventeen.

• Improved customization with the Customizer, including starter content for themes.

• Video headers for themes.

• PDF thumbnail previews.

• Improved language support, including updated translations.

• Improved accessibility with the new default color scheme.

• New REST API endpoints for posts, comments, terms, users, meta, and settings.

• Improved performance with faster loading of themes and plugins.

• Improved security with stronger password recommendations.

• Improved editor with inline link checker and improved text selection.

• Improved media widgets with drag and drop support.

• Improved theme browsing with live previews.

• Improved plugin installation with automatic updates.

• Improved plugin and theme editing with syntax highlighting.

• Improved plugin and theme searching with better results.

• Improved plugin and theme recommendations.

• Improved plugin and theme installation with better error messages.

• Improved plugin and theme activation with better error messages.

• Improved plugin and theme deactivation with better error messages.

• Improved plugin and theme deletion with better error messages.

The latest-and-greatest release of our favorite CMS, WordPress 4.7 “Vaughan,” was released a week ago on the 6th of December. It includes a brand new default theme, new customization options and a host of developer features.

Update: What’s New in WordPress 5.3

User Experience

Our favorite features of WordPress 4.7 are the ones that improve the user experience (UX). WordPress has long since been a technically capable system but has noticeably lagged behind on the user interface and experience side for a while now.

Video Headers

Some sort of motion has been used in headers for a while now. From animated gif to elaborate sliders and videos. Videos have often been relegated to custom implementation but should be come much more widely available thanks to the core team’s efforts.

Header video in WordPress 4.7
Header video in WordPress 4.7

Edit Shortcuts

The Theme Customizer has been enhanced with shortcut icons you can click to take you directly to the field that controls the element in question. This is a great feature for more complex themes where you don’t even know what can be edited, let alone where it is.

Editor Shortcuts in WordPress 4.7
Editor Shortcuts in WordPress 4.7

It really feels like this is the next step to a front-end-editor-like experience where you can edit anything you need in place. That may be a while away but this already goes a long way to making the site creation experience better.

I think this one signifies the development direction best. If you set up new websites frequently you know how annoying menus are. Pages you want to put in the menu need to exist when you’re building the thing. However, mapping out pages is a lot easier if you build the menu first, it’s like a quick prototyping tool.

Menu Building In WordPress 4.7
Menu Building In WordPress 4.7

Custom CSS

Many themes have added this feature in the past, now it is finally in the core code. You can add your custom CSS right there in the Theme Customizer, complete with live preview, how awesome!

Custom CSS in WordPress 4.7
Custom CSS in WordPress 4.7

PDF Previews

Uploading PDFs will now generate thumbnail previews which makes it much easier to distinguish between items. Those of you who use WordPress to upload documents will love this feature!

PDF Preview in WordPress 4.7
PDF Preview in WordPress 4.7

User Languages

Users can now change the language they see the admin in. User level changes will not affect the front end or other users in any way. This is a Godsend for admins and site managers who manage multiple language sites.

Changes For Developers

Aside from these UX improvements, there are a bunch of goodies for developers in WordPress 4.7.

Post Type Templates

We’ve been using page templates for years, they provide the architecture for some great functionality in themes. Developers can now register post type templates, making WordPress even more powerful in the CMS department.

Custom Bulk Actions

As of 4.7 you can now register bulk actions on list table screens. This means that aside from moving multiple posts to the trash you could also bulk “remove all categories” or bulk “feature on homepage”. This does require some custom coding, but will be a handy feature for developers in the future.

Rest API Additions

Content endpoints have been merged into core regarding the WordPress REST API. This will give programmatic access to applications to post, comment, term, user and meta data, as well as settings.

And Then Some!

There are some other great development updates such as a reworking on the WP_Hook system, customize changesets and more. Take a look at the official release post to get the full picture.

If you’re interested in WordPress development, want to try the latest nightlies or just want the low-down on changes before everyone else I suggest heading down to make.wordpress.org. The Core section will include the most impactful changes, but other sections are equally interesting.

Updating to WordPress 4.7 on Kinsta

We’ve had a few reports of customers experiencing the white screen of death upon updating to WordPress 4.7. This is commonly resolved by simply restarting PHP/HHVM and deleting the full page cache on your WordPress site.

Since every customer’s site is different, we always recommend utilizing the staging environment or going a step further and utilizing our Premium Staging Environments. You can clone your live site in a matter of seconds and then test WordPress 4.7 with your existing theme and plugins to check for compatibility.

You can of course also take a manual backup before updating your live site, just to be safe!

photo credit: Wikimedia Commons


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Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman


Passionate Professional Blogger, Freelancer, WordPress Enthusiast, Digital Marketer, Web Developer, Server Operator, Networking Expert. Empowering online presence with diverse skills.

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