What is Case Disposed of in EPF Grievance Status | Meaning


Case Disposed of in EPF Grievance Status is a term used to describe the resolution of a complaint or grievance filed with the Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF). It is the final stage of the grievance process and indicates that the complaint has been addressed and the issue has been resolved. The EPF Grievance Status is a way for employers and employees to track the progress of their grievances and to ensure that they are being addressed in a timely manner. It is important to note that the EPF Grievance Status does not necessarily mean that the complaint has been resolved in the employee’s favor, but rather that the complaint has been addressed and the issue has been resolved.

What is Case Disposed of in EPF Grievance Status | Meaning

Case Disposed of in EPF Grievance Status means that the EPF grievance has been resolved and the case has been closed. This could mean that the EPF grievance was either accepted or rejected, or that the EPF grievance was withdrawn or settled.

EPF grievance status case disposed of means your complaint was answered (or) resolved by the PF officer and the complaint was closed. If your PF problem is not yet resolved, then you have to follow the instructions given by the PF officer on the grievance status page. 

EPF grievance status case disposed of meaning

Most of the problems cannot be solved by the EPF officers, because some problems need employers’ intervention & approvals, and some problems need supporting documents by employees & employers.

But when a PF complaint is not resolved by the PF officer, then they will give a solution to that problem in the “final decision section” of the grievance status page, and your complaint/grievance will be closed for further action.

What to Do After “Case Disposed of” in PF Grievance

  1. If your PF problem was resolved, then you don’t need to do anything.
  2. If your problem was not resolved then follow the instructions given by the EPF officer.

What is TAT (Turn Around Time) of EPFO Grievance

The maximum time to get a reply for your EPF complaint is 20 days, but in most cases, EPF grievances will be answered in just 2-3 working days. So the TAT of EPFO grievance will be 2 to 20 days from the date of registering the complaint.

How Can I Cancel My EPF Grievance

You cannot cancel your grievance once it was submitted, but you do not need to worry about it. In case you registered the grievance by mistake then just ignore it.

In most cases, concerned EPF officers will just give a solution, so nothing happens to your PF account.

But still, if you do not want to take any action on your PF complaint, then register another PF grievance, and you can send a message like this:

“Dear sir/Madam,

With due respect, I would like to inform you that by mistake, I have registered an EPF grievance on ________(date of grievance), but now I want to withdraw the grievance. 

So kindly ignore my grievance or cancel it.

Thanking you.


What to Do If My PF Grievance is not Solving

If you don’t receive any reply even after 20 days, then you can send a reminder in the PF grievance portal, using the send reminder option.

How many times can we register a grievance on the same topic?

Before registering another complaint about the same problem.

But before that follow the instructions given in the grievance status, still if you have any doubts (or) are facing problems in resolving your issue then you can register another complaint.

What is the “Upload grievance document” option?

If you want to upload any supporting documents after submitting the grievance, then you can use the upload grievance document option, for this, you need your PF grievance registration number.

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What is Case Disposed of in EPF Grievance Status?

Case Disposed of is a term used in the Employee Provident Fund (EPF) Grievance Status. It is the final stage of the grievance process, where the EPF Grievance Cell has taken a decision on the complaint and the case is closed. This means that the complainant has been given a satisfactory resolution to their complaint.

The EPF Grievance Status is a system that allows EPF members to track the progress of their complaints. It is a three-stage process, starting with the registration of the complaint, followed by the investigation of the complaint and finally the disposal of the case. The EPF Grievance Cell is responsible for resolving the complaint and providing a satisfactory resolution to the complainant.

When the EPF Grievance Cell has taken a decision on the complaint, the status of the complaint is changed to ‘Case Disposed of’. This means that the complainant has been given a satisfactory resolution to their complaint and the case is closed. The complainant can then check the status of their complaint on the EPF Grievance Status page.

The EPF Grievance Status page also provides information on the status of the complaint, such as the date of registration, the date of disposal, the name of the Grievance Cell Officer who handled the complaint, and the resolution provided to the complainant. This information is useful for EPF members to track the progress of their complaints and to ensure that their grievances are being addressed in a timely manner.

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman


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