Using WooCommerce with WordPress Exponent Theme


Welcome to the world of WooCommerce and WordPress Exponent Theme! WooCommerce is a powerful eCommerce platform that allows you to easily create an online store and manage your products and services. WordPress Exponent Theme is a modern and responsive WordPress theme that is designed to help you create a professional and attractive website. Together, these two powerful tools can help you create a powerful and successful online store. In this guide, we will discuss how to use WooCommerce with WordPress Exponent Theme to create a beautiful and functional online store. We will cover topics such as setting up your store, adding products, managing orders, and more. So let’s get started!

Using WooCommerce with WordPress Exponent Theme

WooCommerce is a powerful eCommerce platform that can be used to create an online store with WordPress. It is a great choice for those who want to create a professional-looking store without having to learn complex coding. The WordPress Exponent Theme is a great choice for those who want to create a modern, stylish store with WooCommerce.

Benefits of Using WooCommerce with WordPress Exponent Theme

  • Easy to use and customize: WooCommerce is easy to use and customize, making it a great choice for those who want to create a professional-looking store without having to learn complex coding.
  • Flexible design options: The WordPress Exponent Theme offers a wide range of design options, allowing you to create a unique and stylish store.
  • Secure payment processing: WooCommerce offers secure payment processing, ensuring that your customers’ data is safe and secure.
  • Integration with other platforms: WooCommerce can be easily integrated with other platforms, such as WordPress, allowing you to create a seamless experience for your customers.

How to Set Up WooCommerce with WordPress Exponent Theme

Setting up WooCommerce with WordPress Exponent Theme is easy and straightforward. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Install the WooCommerce plugin: The first step is to install the WooCommerce plugin. This can be done by going to the WordPress dashboard and clicking on “Plugins”. Then, search for “WooCommerce” and click “Install Now”.
  2. Activate the plugin: Once the plugin is installed, you need to activate it. To do this, go to the WordPress dashboard and click on “Plugins”. Then, find the “WooCommerce” plugin and click “Activate”.
  3. Set up the store: Once the plugin is activated, you can start setting up your store. This includes adding products, setting up payment methods, and configuring shipping options.
  4. Install the WordPress Exponent Theme: The next step is to install the WordPress Exponent Theme. This can be done by going to the WordPress dashboard and clicking on “Appearance”. Then, search for “Exponent” and click “Install Now”.
  5. Activate the theme: Once the theme is installed, you need to activate it. To do this, go to the WordPress dashboard and click on “Appearance”. Then, find the “Exponent” theme and click “Activate”.
  6. Customize the theme: Once the theme is activated, you can start customizing it to match your store. This includes changing the colors, fonts, and layout of the theme.

Once you have followed these steps, you will have successfully set up WooCommerce with WordPress Exponent Theme. This will allow you to create a modern, stylish store that is easy to use and customize.

Using WooCommerce with WordPress Exponent Theme


Exponent is an all-in-one pack for building start-up and WordPress site. Its specialty lies in its pre-built 26 demo sites that provide you everything required for a start-up website, now you can quick start the foundation of your new site by adding your own text and images. Moreover, you can quickly set all of the basic settings with the full visual interface. Exponent theme is built by the same team that made Oshine theme which is one of the best selling theme trusted by more than 26000+ active customers.

Exponent Theme Key Features

Exponent theme can build any type of elegant websites from header to footer including photography, Hotels, Charity, shops, Architecture, portfolio and business sites at blazingly fast speed. Moreover, you don’t need to know any type of coding, and it’s user-friendly entirely visual interface can instantly create powerful websites from simple to multiline eCommerce store website with lucrative layouts and robust, customizable options.

The control panel comes with multiple customizable theme
options, and a powerful drag and drops
page builder
helps the users to create stunning theme layouts or they can
simply apply the pre-built templates to kick-start their website.

Other than user-friendly interface there are plenty of alternatives
that make Exponent theme as one of the fastest loading themes that is mostly
because of in-built lazy loading features, on-demand java-script loading and
WordPress caching plugins that enable sites to load as quickly as possible.        

Furthermore, the one-click import option for importing any pre-built website of your choice allows you to create a mix and match pages and multiple demos which is also a great option to customize the themes options per your needs.

Mobile Responsive

Exponent Theme is highly mobile responsive and carefully crafted designs keeping in view the needs of different industries to keep a balance between purpose and performance.

Unique page building layouts

Exponent offers unique designs and stunning layouts so you could build pages using these striking blocks which looks gorgeous on both desktop and mobile screens.

Create Unique and stylish blogs

You can also make unique and stylish blogs by customizing things according to your aesthetics. Create a visually appealing blog by customizing unique typography, aspect ratio, meta info, background colors in infinite ways.

Striking typography and spacing techniques

Exponent smartly optimize the typography and spacing technique to enhance the reading experience. Everything comes in order where the post title area comes with bold font and social sharing options, and the comments section is also designed with special care.

Create stunning portfolios

Beautiful portfolios can be created with infinite grid styles and fixed sidebars, Lightboxes and carefully crafted project posts. Moreover, to add some more flavour Exponent offers six different pre-built stylish Hovers which goes well with your portfolios color and styles.

Select Exclusive colour scheme

The color hub feature allows you to change the color scheme of the entire website with a single click. You can experiment with palettes, swatches and Gradients to wow your customers.

Speed building features

Exponent comes with built-in speed maximising features to super-charge your website like caching and minification plugin and Lazy Load images functionalities enhance the website performance like a breeze. 

Build an online store powered by WooCommerce

The most overwhelming key feature of the Exponent theme is its powerful WooCommerce plugin that enables its user to quickly start an online eCommerce store with all of the vital eCommerce features. The WooCommerce plugin comes with great payment collection gateways where you can easily focus on selling the products and get the payments through authentic payment gateways. If you are interested in setting a WooCommerce store with Exponent theme, there is a complete documentation available to help you start with it.

How to start an online store using Exponent?

So if you are interested in starting an online store using Exponent theme, you have to follow this step by step procedure

Step1- WooCommerce installation

To start an online store with Exponent, the first step is
WooCommerce installation.

Go to> WordPress
repository>Plugins>Add New> WooCommerce> install> activate

Once you have installed the WooCommerce plugin then follow
the setup wizard to install the basic settings of your store.

Step2- setup the four fundamental pages of WooCommerce store

WooCommerce will automatically set up the four fundamental
pages of an eCommerce store which are Shop, Cart, Checkout, and My Account

Shop: This is where all of your products will be displayed to create a shop

Go to>pages>Add New> name it shop>publish

After publishing the shop page follow this procedure

Go to>WooCommerce>settings>products tab>set as a
shop page.

Cart: This page will be displayed once your visitors have selected products from the store to purchase, they can review their products here before making a final purchase.

To set up the Cart Page follow this procedure

Go to>pages>Add New>name the page Cart> publish


Go to> WooCommerce>Settings>Advanced settings
tab>set as your cart page

Checkout: on this checkout page your visitors will finalize their checkout procedure by providing shipping detail and payment method

To set up a checkout page follow this

Go to> pages >Add new> create a page “Checkout”>

Go to > WooCommerce > setting > Advanced tab >
set as check out page.

My Account: The My Account page is designed for registered users where they can set up their shipping details and order information.

Go to> pages > add new > name it My Account >

Go to >WooCommerce> settings >Advanced tab > set as my Account page.

Furthermore, you can setup another page, namely “Terms and

If you want to enter product details, Exponent provides you
with Products modules where you can populate Featured products, sale products, and
most demanding product.

WooCommerce automatically creates pages which exhibit proper content related to product Module.

Step3: Add and Manage products

There are various kinds of products which need a proper setup and management. You can simply put them one by one or create a group of related products, and their shipping costs may vary because of size and weight.

Add a simple product as following     

Go to> WooCommerce>products>Add

Now enter the product title and details

Go to> product data panel> select downloadable or virtual

For more information “ how to add
follow this documentation.

You can opt for different Grid styles to showcase your products

Showcase your products in a fixed panel layout where the visitors could zoom in them or view an enlarged image in Lightbox. Moreover, you can choose to showcase your products in a slider bar.

Exponent Theme pros

  • Exponent comes with an entirely visual interface
    and a page builder to quickly set your website.
  • More than 200+ page layouts to create stunning
  • Modern and sleek pre-built 23 Demo sites with a Mobile
    responsive interface
  • One-click demo importer helps you import and
    implement changes in your page setups
  • Create an online eCommerce store with
    WooCommerce support.
  • Create a portfolio, blogging sites, Galleries,
    and Hotel websites
  • Inbuilt lazy loading, caching and on-demand
    JavaScript loading features for attaining blazing fast site’s speed.
  • Multilingual compatibility
  • Highly supportive customer services
  • Color Management with a single click with
    palettes, and swatches.

Exponent Theme cons

  • Some technical issues may arise as the theme shows half screen on mobile screens so install a free version to your site first to double-check before purchasing

Exponent Theme pricing

Exponent pricing starts at $59 with six-month support by Envato team and you can extend it for $17 up to 12-month support.

Final verdict: should you go for Exponent Theme?

Exponent Theme is a stunning theme that comes with all the essential features that are needed to build a modern and stylish website. Moreover, it offers a variety of layouts and customizable options to turn your site into an exclusive eCommerce store with multiple product display options, sticky bars and exciting features. Therefore, it is a big “Yes” from my side and I would highly recommend it to those who are looking to start their online eCommerce store innovatively. Exponent is not only suitable for eCommerce website owners but it is equally valuable for bloggers and freelancers who want to portrait their work in an enticing way.

Another striking feature which I admire a lot is that it comes
with value-pack plugins like lazy load and caching plugins that also cut-cost
for spending extra bugs for purchasing these plugins. I hope you enjoyed
reading this article, so let us know what do you think about Exponent theme?  


Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Passionate Professional Blogger, Freelancer, WordPress Enthusiast, Digital Marketer, Web Developer, Server Operator, Networking Expert. Empowering online presence with diverse skills.

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Jassweb always keeps its services up-to-date with the latest trends in the market, providing its customers all over the world with high-end and easily extensible internet, intranet, and extranet products.


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