Using Astra theme for a better WooCommerce page speed display


Astra is a popular WordPress theme that is designed to help improve the speed and performance of WooCommerce pages. It is lightweight and fast, and it is optimized for SEO and page speed. With Astra, you can create a beautiful and fast WooCommerce store that will help you increase your sales and conversions. Astra is also highly customizable, allowing you to customize the look and feel of your store to match your brand. In this article, we will discuss how to use Astra to improve the page speed of your WooCommerce store. We will also discuss some of the features that make Astra a great choice for WooCommerce stores.

Using Astra Theme for a Better WooCommerce Page Speed Display

If you’re looking to improve the page speed of your WooCommerce store, then you should consider using the Astra theme. Astra is a lightweight and fast WordPress theme that is designed to help you create a beautiful and fast WooCommerce store. It is optimized for speed and performance, and it is also SEO friendly. With Astra, you can easily customize your store’s design and layout, and you can also add features like product sliders, product filters, and more.

Why Use Astra for WooCommerce?

Astra is a great choice for WooCommerce stores because it is designed to be lightweight and fast. It is optimized for speed and performance, and it is also SEO friendly. Astra is also highly customizable, so you can easily customize your store’s design and layout. Additionally, Astra is compatible with all major WooCommerce plugins, so you can easily add features like product sliders, product filters, and more.

How to Optimize Your WooCommerce Store with Astra

To optimize your WooCommerce store with Astra, you should first install the Astra theme. Once you have installed the theme, you can then customize your store’s design and layout. Additionally, you can add features like product sliders, product filters, and more. You can also optimize your store’s page speed by using caching plugins, minifying your code, and optimizing your images.


Astra is a great choice for WooCommerce stores because it is designed to be lightweight and fast. It is optimized for speed and performance, and it is also SEO friendly. Additionally, Astra is highly customizable, so you can easily customize your store’s design and layout. You can also optimize your store’s page speed by using caching plugins, minifying your code, and optimizing your images.

Using Astra theme for a better WooCommerce page speed display


Astra theme is for you if you are looking for a lightning-fast theme, and most probably if you like to have a fully-functional eCommerce site without compromising on site loading speed.

Other key benefits of using the Astra theme is that it is one of the default themes recommended by WordPress that is fully compatible with most of the WooCommerce plugins.

Secondly, Astra is updated regularly and maintains a safe record of secured coding up to defined standards; that‘s why you will get a guaranteed secured and highly compatible theme without any doubt.

We have put together all the unique key features and functionalities of Astra theme in this article, to find out if it is a perfect fit for your WooCommerce site.

Astra Theme

The Astra theme is one of the ultra-fast WooCommerce themes that are available for free with an exceeding number of users crossing over 1 million +, and the good thing is that it still maintains a 5star rating all the time.

Astra theme is still winning the game because it takes only half a second to load and maintains the site’s loading speed even when your ecommerce store is growing at a faster pace. 

Moreover, the Astra theme is highly customizable and a tough tooth competitor of Avada and Divi theme because of its lightweight and speedy site-building process.

Astra is one of the favorite themes of most of the developers because it takes only a few hours and not days to build a site because of “Astra’s prefabricated sites” option.

Although the free version of the Astra theme is sufficient for building a professional-looking custom website, however, you can always upgrade to the pro version to get access to the premium modules.

Astra Theme WooCommerce Features best for speed boosting

Astra theme is an all-in-one  solution for any WordPress site; however, Astra holds popularity mostly for its WooCommerce features.

Let’s discuss WooCommerce features in detail.

Lightning-fast loading speed – less than half a second (0.5)

A truly remarkable feature that is extremely important for any WooCommerce site is “fast loading speed.” And Astra theme serves the best site loading speed.  

Speed is the utmost feature to secure your highest rank on Google, and when your store loads in no time, the visitors will stay longer, and you achieve higher conversion rates.

The reasons behind this fast loading speed are

  • Best and clean coding
  • The theme is by default less than 50kb
  • Astra uses native Javascript instead of using JQuery, which improves speed.

Prebuilt starter websites – quickly start your website 

Most of the WordPress themes are now packed with a quick solution like“Prebuilt website templates.” These pre-built websites are specifically niche-oriented, and you can personalize them as per your brand’s aesthetics.

Some of the prebuilt templates which you’ll get with Astra themes are;

  • Outdoor Adventure
  • Pet care
  • Mountain
  • Organic store
  • Clinic
  • Restaurants
  • Courier services
  • Wedding organizer
  • Digital marketing

And so on, you will get many starter kit templates to kick start your website. These starter templates are compatible with renowned page builders such as Elementor, Beaver Builder, Brizy, and Gutenberg.

However, you have to pick up which page builder is preferred over other for any specific template because most of them are sorted as per page builder specifications.

No coding language is required – quickly customize templates without using codes

WordPress market has been revamped with the new customization techniques, especially the innovation of page builders have helped several people in creating their own sites without using any single code.

That’s why most of the renowned WordPress themes are infatuating these Customization techniques without any code to ease the path of customization.

Site layout module – customize the site’s overall layout 

The site layout feature comes with the Astra Pro feature. Using the site layout feature, the user can adjust layouts to; Boxed, full width, padded and fluid layouts.

Header and Footer are customizable in the free version, and if you are looking for advanced level customization, then enable Astra pro with extended Header options.

Full control on Typography 

Astra theme is fully integrated with Google fonts, and you will get the option to select from more than 700+ font options. With the help of free custom font plugin, you can control the font size, style, and responsiveness for each desktop, mobile, and tab screens.

Customize color and background as per your brand color     

Other than fonts, headers, and layouts, you can mix and match the background color or any corner of your site ranging from the header, blogs, archives pages, and sidebars. Everything is configurable; however, some of the features might require a pro version for customization.

Blog layout customization   

If your WooCommerce store is going to have a blog, then definitely, you would be looking for ways to customize the blog layouts per your brand’s standard.

You’ll find the blog customization option with the Astra Pro, where you will have full control over the blog and content marketing.

All essential layouts and features such as infinite scrolling, grid, masonry, and list and date box are available with Astra theme.  

Responsive layouts which shoppers love 

Ecommerce store is incomplete if you have not optimized it for mobile traffic. Astra has specifically designed its responsive layouts to drive traffic through mobiles. The trendy and smart responsive layouts can grab your user’s attention instantly, leading to sales conversion.

Personalized, conversion-optimized checkout forms

The research says that more than 69% of shoppers abandon their shopping just because of poorly designed checkout forms.

Astra provides customized solutions to cut short, long-form of checkout page that makes shopping easy for users.

Seamless WooCommerce integration

Astra theme provides seamless WooCommerce integration, which is an inevitable factor in setting up an online store.

Astra pro version allows all customized WooCommerce features such as grid layout, infinite scrolling, other products preview option, dropdown shopping cart, and many other useful WooCommerce features.

Compatible with all major page builders

Astra theme has some prebuilt theme layouts, which are categorized by page builders and comes with page builder recommendations they were built with.

In particular, the page builders supported by Astra are as follows;

  1. Elementor
  2. Beaver Builder
  3. Gutenberg
  4. Brizy

Some page builders such as Elementor come with complete tutorials for building a site with Elementor and Astra theme.


Astra theme has a free and a pro version. The Astra theme free version can be downloaded from the WordPress repository while the pro version, which is packed with most of the pro features, comes in three bundles.

Wrapping up

Summing up our discussion, Astra is no doubt a great theme with an ideal solution for an ecommerce site.

Moreover, the free version comes with plenty of useful features which are enough for a beginner level ecommerce store.

However, you can always extend to the pro version, which provides unlimited WooCommerce rich features.

In short, WPAstra is an all-inclusive web designing project which is trusted by over 1 million users worldwide. Give it a go, and you won’t get disappointed. 


Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Passionate Professional Blogger, Freelancer, WordPress Enthusiast, Digital Marketer, Web Developer, Server Operator, Networking Expert. Empowering online presence with diverse skills.

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