Use Amazon S3 as WordPress media source


Amazon S3 is a cloud storage service that provides a secure, reliable, and cost-effective way to store and serve media files for WordPress websites. With Amazon S3, you can store and serve media files such as images, videos, audio, and documents from a single, centralized location. This makes it easier to manage and access your media files, and it also helps to reduce the cost of hosting your WordPress website. In this article, we will discuss how to use Amazon S3 as a WordPress media source. We will cover the benefits of using Amazon S3, how to set up Amazon S3 for WordPress, and how to use Amazon S3 for WordPress media.

Using Amazon S3 as a WordPress Media Source

Amazon S3 is a powerful cloud storage service that can be used to store and serve media files for your WordPress website. By using Amazon S3, you can save money on hosting costs, improve the performance of your website, and ensure that your media files are always available.

Benefits of Using Amazon S3 for WordPress Media

  • Cost savings: Amazon S3 is much cheaper than traditional hosting solutions.
  • Performance: Amazon S3 is fast and reliable, so your media files will always be available.
  • Scalability: Amazon S3 can easily scale to meet your website’s needs.
  • Security: Amazon S3 is secure and reliable, so your media files are safe.

How to Set Up Amazon S3 for WordPress Media

Setting up Amazon S3 for WordPress media is a simple process. First, you will need to create an Amazon S3 account and set up a bucket for your media files. Once your bucket is set up, you will need to install and configure the Amazon S3 and CloudFront plugin for WordPress. This plugin will allow you to easily upload and serve media files from your Amazon S3 bucket.

Once the plugin is installed and configured, you can start uploading your media files to your Amazon S3 bucket. You can also use the plugin to set up a CloudFront distribution, which will allow you to serve your media files from multiple locations around the world.


Using Amazon S3 as a WordPress media source is a great way to save money on hosting costs, improve the performance of your website, and ensure that your media files are always available. With the Amazon S3 and CloudFront plugin, setting up Amazon S3 for WordPress media is a simple process.

Use Amazon S3 as WordPress media source


It is easy to manage your media files when you start your
WordPress website, but as your site grows, it becomes difficult to manage your
media library files. Moreover, uploading more media library files can increase
bandwidth costs and affect your site’s uploading speed.  At this point, you realize that choosing a storage
solution to offload large files would be wise.

Media Folder plugin
is ideal for organizing your media files into folders
and subfolders. It allows the users to manage their data into folders and
sub-folders with easy drag and drop option. Along with this amazing feature,
you can also integrate it with Amazon S3 storage to offload large file and save
your site’s bandwidth.

Some of the key features of the WP Media Folder Plugin include more than seven theme models that can be applied to a group of images to transform them into a Gallery folder or sub-folder instantly. Moreover, it is highly compatible with Gutenberg text Editor that allows the users to manage all sorts of images into folders. Furthermore, the users can use the AJAX folder tree display to drag and drop images into multi-level folders.

In this tutorial, we will provide you with a complete solution to handle large files or keep an additional backup by integrating Amazon S3 with a WordPress site by using the WP Media Folder plugin.

What is Amazon S3

Amazon S3 is the storage solution offered by Amazon Web
Services. The Amazon is well-known for its reliable storage solution services
for large files. Most of the websites that use large media files like downloads
software, video games, pdfs and audio video files trust Amazon for faster and
secure storage option. Amazon is trusted by Netflix, Airbnb and NASDAQ
companies as well.

Amazon S3 offers high time availability up to 99.9% with a low-cost
solution, and you can keep your large media files in Amazon S3 buckets without
increasing usage cost.

They offer a much lower price as compared to any CDN
services mainly because of their gigantic setup. Moreover, once you offload
your files to Amazon S3 storage, it’ll speed optimize your site and save money
also because for the first year you can upload up to 5 GB free of cost.

  • Amazon web service account ( you can sign up for
  • A public Amazon S3 bucket: avail 5 GB free
    storage for the first year.
  • A WordPress S3 plugin: we recommend WP Media
    Folder plugin that helps you manage WordPress media folders and offload these
    media files to Amazon s3 while maintaining the same folder structure.

Amazon S3 services include cloud storage that can be
obtained for $3 by any startup without needing any IT infrastructure. The
Amazon S3 services are not only for massive companies with large data anybody
can gain access to Amazon S3 services to offload their Media files.  Amazon S3 comes with a support of Amazon
Glacier ( for long-term backups) and Amazon Cloudfront to distribute the
content securely.

So if you are looking to connect WordPress with Amazon S3, you have to follow these steps;

The Amazon S3 integration allows the WP Media Folder to upload
all the media files to Amazon library automatically. Moreover, you also have an
option to completely offload the media file and then remove them from your
server. Along with this option, you still have the backup option to restore the
data on your WordPress library. All of the uploading procedure would be done in
the background without interrupting your workflow.

To start the procedure, you should install the WP Media Folder
and the Add-on that comes with the plugin. The Add-on comprises of integration
for Amazon S3, Google Drive, Dropbox, One Drive and OneDrive Business.

You can easily configure Amazon S3 services with WordPress
without being a developer. Follow this step by step tutorial to configure
Amazon S3 integration successfully.

Step 1: Log in to Amazon Console or sign up

You need an AWS S3 account, and if you don’t have an account
you can sign up for free and if you have any AWS S3 Account then login to the

Step 2: Create a New IAM User

After logging in, you need to create a new IAM User. In AWS
console go to IAM user Page and add new user button. Do the following actions.

  1. Add user name
  2. Checkmark programmatic access as Access type
  3. Click Next on the permission button  

Step 3: Grant Specific Permission to the new user

Now you need to grant special permission to the user so he
could manage buckets and objects in S3 services follow these footsteps;

  1. Click on the “Attach existing policies
  2. Enter “S3” in filter policy in the input
  3. Select “Amazon S3 Full Access”
  4. Click Next: Tab

Step 4: Add tags to control the user access

You can add tags to organize track or manage the user right to use. Tags can contain information regarding the user i.e. email address, job title or a descriptive note about the user.

Step 5: finalize your choices and Create New User

Once you are done with your preferences, create a new user
account and download the auto-generated passwords and access key.

Note: Please Note down the auto-generated passwords and
access keys as .csv file because you won’t find them again and Amazon will not
show them again. That’s why download these credentials and save them somewhere
to avoid inconvenience.

A window will pop up once you are done with the procedure.

Step 6: Connect WP Media Folder with Amazon S3 services

Now you need to connect the Amazon S3 services with WP Media
Folder and to enable the connection open WordPress dashboard

Go to> Settings > WP Media Folder > Cloud > Amazon S3 tab and paste the access key and secret access keys as follows;

After successfully saving the changes, you will have a
secure connection of WP Media Folder and Amazon S3 services.

Step 7: how to copy your media files to Amazon S3

To upload your media to Amazon s3, you have to enable Copy
to Amazon S3
option, and all of your media will be uploaded to Amazon S3.

Step 8: Create buckets to store your data

Unlike any ordinary Media Library storage, you need not create Categories or sub-categories to store your information yet Amazon S3 will allow you to design and store your data in buckets and you cannot create ay subfolders in these buckets where all of the media will be automatically saved.

Step9: Offload media from WordPress to Amazon S3

Instead of copying your media one by one to the Amazon S3, you can let Amazon upload media from your WordPress library. If you enable option remove after Amazon upload, then all of your media will be finally uploaded on the Amazon S3 instead of your server.

How to manage your Amazon S3 Buckets

You have complete control on your Amazon S3 buckets, and by
enabling Amazon and WordPress configuration, you can do multiple tasks like you
can create, delete, select or change the location of S3 bucket where ever you
like to store your data.

Enable Amazon Attachment label

Once enabled this feature, Amazon Attachment label allows you to read the information on the top left about each media when you hover over the S3 bucket.

Retrieve all of your Media from Amazon s3 to WordPress

If you like to remove the plugin or want to change the media location, then you can enable option Retrieve media from Amazon to WordPress, and all of your media files will be stored back on your WordPress media library without any broken link.

WP Media Folder pricing

The basic license can be purchased for $29 with six months
support and if you like to buy the WP Media Folder along with Add-ons then go
for a Best Deal license with extra features and Gallery Add-ons for $59 with
one year support.

Summing up

WordPress and Amazon S3 integration is an advantageous
combination that allows you to quickly offload your media files to the Amazon
storage without increasing your bandwidth cost. If you follow the step-by-step
procedure, you will be able to complete the process within 30 minutes. WP
Media Folder
works in two ways, it keeps your media files organized on your
WordPress site and if you like to use the Amazon S3 services then use WP
Media add-on
to offload your media files to Amazon storage straightaway.    


Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Passionate Professional Blogger, Freelancer, WordPress Enthusiast, Digital Marketer, Web Developer, Server Operator, Networking Expert. Empowering online presence with diverse skills.

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