[Solved] How to get sum from array using javascript?

Use Array.map and Array.reduce var data =[{name:”xyz”,meals:[{num:3.5},{num:4 },{num:6.5},{num:3}],deposits:[{date:””, amount:3000},{date:””, amount:2400},{date:””, amount:300}]},{name:”abc”,meals:[{num:3.5},{num:4 },{num:6.5},{num:3}],deposits:[{date:””, amount:3000},{date:””, amount:2400},{date:””, amount:300}]}]; let result = data.map(({name, meals, deposits}) => ({name, meals : meals.reduce((a,c) => a + c.num, 0), deposits : deposits.reduce((a,c) => a + c.amount, 0)})); console.log(result); 1 solved How to get sum from array using javascript?

[Solved] Accecing server side variable in Javascript(node.js, express.js, ejs) [closed]

In ejs you could do: put this in your ejs file var shapes = <%=the-Array-Of-Shapes%> from the route use: app.get(‘/your-route’,(req,res)=>{ res.render(‘your-ejs-file’,the-Array-Of-Shapes);//here you are passing the array and the renderer will do the job }) 2 solved Accecing server side variable in Javascript(node.js, express.js, ejs) [closed]

[Solved] fix results of javascript loop

Use 48 iterations instead of 24. Then you can use i%4 as the index into an array of minutes for the quarter hours. <% var arrayOfTimes = []; %> <% for (var i = 0; i <= 48; i++) { %> <% var n = Math.floor(i/4) + [“:00”, “:15”, “:30”, “:45”][i%4]; %> <% if(n<10) %> … Read more