[Solved] calculating molecular weight in perl

first of all u must tell us what format has .fasta files. As i know they looks like

>seq_ID_1 descriptions etc 

>seq_ID_2 descriptions etc

if we will make suggestion that your code works fine, and counts molecular weight all we need is to read fasta files, parse them and count weight by yours code. It’s more easy that sounds like.


use strict;
use warnings;
use Encode;

for my $file (@ARGV) {
    open my $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $file;
    my $input = join q{}, <$fh>; 
    close $fh;
    while ( $input =~ /^(>.*?)$([^>]*)/smxg ) {
        my $name = $1;
        my $seq = $2;
        $seq =~ s/\n//smxg;
        my $mass = calc_mass($seq);
        print "$name has mass $mass\n";

sub calc_mass {
    my $a = shift;
    my @a = ();
    my $x = length $a;
    @a = split q{}, $a;
    my $b = 0;
    my %data = (
        A=>71.09,  R=>16.19,  D=>114.11,  N=>115.09,
        C=>103.15,  E=>129.12,  Q=>128.14,  G=>57.05,
        H=>137.14,  I=>113.16,  L=>113.16,  K=>128.17,
        M=>131.19,  F=>147.18,  P=>97.12,  S=>87.08,
        T=>101.11,  W=>186.12,  Y=>163.18,  V=>99.14
    for my $i( @a ) {
        $b += $data{$i};
    my $c = $b - (18 * ($x - 1));
    return $c;


solved calculating molecular weight in perl