[Solved] Jquery hover function – how to make this simple?

Yep, that’s pretty ugly code. 🙂

First, you only need to include $(document).ready(function(){ ... }); once. Put everything inside it, where I put the ....

Second, the neat thing about jQuery is that you can really easily “get” lots of elements at once as long as they share something unique to them — like they all have the same class, or are all <img> elements.

ALSO, avoid writing accented letters in your HTML; write HTML entity names instead, because otherwise they won’t show up properly on many browsers. For example, write &ntilde; instead of “ñ”. (See here: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_entities.asp)

Here’s an easy fix:

  1. In your HTML, give each of the img a “title” attribute with whatever you want the “busca por” to say when the img is mouseovered. For example:

    <li><a href="https://stackoverflow.com/" id="laticinios"><img src="i/ingredientes_02.gif" title="latici&ntilde;os" /></a></li>

  2. Replace your JS/jQuery code with this:

    $("#ingredientes ul li a").hover(
    //This activates when any "a" element in a "li" element in a "ul" element in an element with the id of "ingredientes" is mouseovered
            var foodType = $(this).children("img").attr("title");
    //This "gets" the value of the "title" attribute of each of the `img` tags and makes it a variable called "foodType"

I think that’ll work.


solved Jquery hover function – how to make this simple?