[Solved] Class variable can’t be defined by function [closed]

that’s because the self variable has to be explicitely given to methods in python. As you write it, are you expecting python to read your mind so it guesses that self shall be something from a class your function is not related at all with?

So to have it bound you need:

  1. add self to argument list of def pickapoo_specialattack(self, opponent)
  2. to move pickapoo_specialattack(opponent) in your Deskemon class

looking further in your code, what you’re doing is definitely wrong, as you’re defeating the whole purpose of OOP! Use classes and subclasses to do what you’re aiming.

Let me give you an incomplete example of what I mean:

class Deskemon(object):
    def specialattack(self, opponent):
        raise NotImplementedError


class Pickapoo(Deskemon):
    def specialattack(self, opponent):
         … # content of the pickapoo_specialattak() function

class Tamosha(Deskemon):
    def specialattack(opponent):
         … # content of the tamosha_specialattak() function

and then:

def main():
    pickapoo = Pickapoo(…)
    tamosha = Tamosha(…)

instead of monkey patching Deskemon instances, use proper OOP conception and make Deskemon the base class of all your instances. Then you create a specialized instance for each Deskemon object, and that’s the thing you initialize.

N.B.1: you should init all your objects in a main function:

N.B.2: you should place all your code at the end in a main function:

def main():
    # init
    pickapoo = Pickapoo(…)
    tamosha = Tamosha(…)
    lilwilly = Lilwilly(…)
    bigbboy = Biggboy(…)

    # start up
    print("Welcome to Deskemon Pre-Alpha V1.2".upper())

    # play loop
    while True:
        deskemon_selection_input = input("> ")
        if deskemon_selection_input == "1":
            deskemon = tamosha
        elif deskemon_selection_input == "2":
            deskemon = pickapoo
        elif deskemon_selection_input == "3":
            deskemon = lilwilly
        elif deskemon_selection_input == "4":
            deskemon = biggboi
        print("You have selected {} as your Deskemon".upper().format(deskemon))

    # shut down
    print("Professor Andrew: Alright Jack, it's time to pick your Deskemon.")
    print("Jack: OI! " + name + "!")

    Battle(deskemon, Jack)

if __name__ == "__main__":

solved Class variable can’t be defined by function [closed]