Simple Salary Certificate to Whomsoever it May Concern


This is to certify that [Employee Name] has been employed with [Company Name] since [Employment Start Date] and is currently working in the position of [Position]. As of [Date], [Employee Name] has earned a total salary of [Salary Amount] for the period of [Period].

This certificate is issued as a matter of record and does not constitute any contractual agreement between [Company Name] and [Employee Name].

We wish [Employee Name] all the best in his/her future endeavors.

[Company Name]

Simple Salary Certificate to Whomsoever it May Concern

This is to certify that Mr. / Ms. ___________ (Name of the Employee) has been working with ___________ (Name of the Company) since ___________ (Date of Joining).

He/She is currently working as ___________ (Designation) and is drawing a salary of ___________ (Amount) per month.

This certificate is issued as a proof of his/her salary.


Name: ___________
Designation: ___________
Date: ___________

A salary certificate is a basic proof for employees regarding where they are working and what is their designation and how much salary they are getting. We all know that salary certificate consists of details of earnings, allowances and the deductions, but it also a proof of employee designation.

Salary Certificate to Whomsoever it May Concern

Some times employees need salary certificate letter on company letterhead, for example whenever an employee apply for a new job or whenever an employee applies for a bank loan, etc. Here you can find some best and simple salary certificate formats to whomsoever it may concern.

When Employees Require Salary Certificate

Salary Certificate to Whomsoever it May Concern

From Where Employee can Get Salary Certificate

Salary certificates will be issued by the Human Resource (HR) departments or finance departments in every organization. They will give the employee a salary certificate printed on company letterhead. The printed copy of salary certificate needs attestation of authorized signatory along with the office seal.

The salary certificate should consist of the complete salary details of the employee, designation, and better to mention the purpose for which the salary certificate is issuing (based on the request of the employer). Before printing salary certificate check whether all the necessary details are mentioned or not. The salary certificate should be clear and need to be written in a well-structured format.

Salary Certificate Format 1

To Whomsoever It May Concern



          This is to certify that Mr/Miss/Mrs __________(name of the employee) working as ________(designation) at _________(company name) for last ______(tenure) since _________(date of joining). The company is paying a monthly salary of ________(monthly salary) and his annual salary will be _________(annual salary) . During his entire tenure he found to be sincere and hard working.

This letter is issued upon the request of the employee.

For  (company name)

Authorized Signatory.

Salary Certificate Format 2

To Whomsoever It May Concern



          This is to certify that Mr/Miss/Mrs __________(name of the employee) has been working as ________(designation) at _________(company name) since _________(date of joining). His present monthly salary details are as follows:

Salary Certificate Format Salary Details

This letter is issued upon the request of the employee.

For  (company name)

Authorized Signatory.

Salary Certificate Format 3

To Whomsoever It May Concern



          This is to certify that Mr __________(name of the employee) S/O ________ (father name) residing at _________(address) has been working withus for last _______(tenure). His monthly net pay scale is _________. During his tenure he found to be sincere and loyal.

This letter is issued upon the request of the employee for the purpose of a bank loan.

For  (company name)

Authorized Signatory.

To Whomsoever it May Concern:

This is to certify that [Employee Name] has been employed by [Company Name] since [Employment Start Date] and is currently working in the position of [Position].

The employee is entitled to a salary of [Salary Amount] per month, payable on the [Payment Date] of each month.

This certificate is issued as a matter of record.

[Company Name]

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

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