scp Linux Commands – Overview with Examples and FAQs


The scp command is a powerful tool in the Linux operating system that allows users to securely copy files between two computers. It is a secure alternative to the traditional ftp command, as it encrypts the data being transferred. The scp command can be used to copy files from one computer to another, or to copy files from a remote server to a local computer. It can also be used to copy files between two remote servers. The scp command is a great way to securely transfer files between computers, and is a must-have tool for any Linux user.


The scp (secure copy) command is a Linux command used to securely copy files and directories between two computers over a network connection. It uses the SSH protocol to securely transfer files, and can be used to transfer files between local and remote systems.


scp [options] source_file target_file


-v: Verbose mode.
-r: Recursively copy entire directories.
-p: Preserves modification times, access times, and modes from the original file.
-C: Compresses the data as it is sent.


To copy a file from the local system to a remote system:

scp -v myfile.txt username@remote_host:/home/username/myfile.txt


SCP Linux Command

Secure Copy (SCP) is a command-line utility that allows you to securely copy files and directories between two locations. It is a secure alternative to the standard File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and is often used to transfer files between computers over a network, such as between a local machine and a remote server. SCP is a part of the SSH (Secure Shell) suite of tools and is included in most Linux distributions.

How to Use SCP

Using SCP is relatively straightforward. The basic syntax for the command is:

scp [options] source_file target_file

The source_file is the file or directory you want to copy, and the target_file is the destination where you want to copy it. You can also specify a remote host as the source or destination, in which case you will need to provide authentication credentials.


The SCP command has a number of options that can be used to customize the behavior of the command. Some of the most commonly used options are:

  • -P: Specify the port to use for the connection.
  • -r: Recursively copy entire directories.
  • -v: Verbose mode. Prints debugging messages.
  • -C: Compress file data during the transfer.
  • -p: Preserve modification times, access times, and modes from the original file.


Here are some examples of how to use the SCP command:

  • Copy a file from the local machine to a remote server:
    scp myfile.txt [email protected]:/path/to/destination
  • Copy a directory from the local machine to a remote server:
    scp -r mydir [email protected]:/path/to/destination
  • Copy a file from a remote server to the local machine:
    scp [email protected]:/path/to/source/myfile.txt /path/to/destination

For more information about the SCP command, consult the man page or the documentation for your Linux distribution.

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

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