PHP String Functions – Strrev, strlen, implode, trim


PHP string functions 1. substr() · 2. strlen() · 3. str_replace() · 4. trim() · 5. strpos() · 6. strtolower() · 7. strtoupper() · 8. is_string() Through this tutorial, we will learn the most useful PHP string functions 1. substr() · 2. strlen() · 3. str_replace() · 4. trim() · 5. strpos() · 6. strtolower() · 7. strtoupper() · 8. is_string(). If you work with php or any php framework at that time need to require basic PHP functions.

The Top 10+ Most Popular PHP String Functions

PHP has several built-in string functions. top 10+ string function in PHP :

  • Trim funcition
  • Ucfirst function
  • Ucwords function
  • Strlen function
  • Strtolower function
  • Strtoupper function
  • Lcfirst function
  • Str Replace function
  • Str Word Count function
  • Strrev function
  • Strpos function
  • Substr function
  • Implode function

PHP Trim Function

Trim function is used to removing whitespace both side of sting.

$str = " Developers! ";
echo trim($str);

PHP Ucfirst Function

Ucfirst string function is used to change to sting the first word to uppercase.

echo ucfirst("hello world!");
Hello world!

PHP Ucwords Function

This is used to change string each word first charactor to uppercase.

echo ucwords("hello developers");
Hello Developers

PHP Strlen Function

Strlen function is used to count length of string.

echo strlen("developer");

PHP Strtolower Function

Strtolower function is used to change lowercase of each charactor (whole string) of sting.

echo strtolower("DEVELOPER");

PHP Strtoupper Function

This function is used to convert uppercase of each charactor ( whole string ) of string.

echo strtoupper("testing");

PHP Lcfirst Function

This is used to make the first charactor of string to lowercase.

echo lcfirst("FINAL");

PHP Str Replace Function

str_replace function is used to replace the value

echo str_replace("program","developer","Hello program!");
// output
Hello developer

PHP Str Word Count Function

Str to word function is used to count the number of words in string.

echo str_word_count("Hello first my name is developer");
// output

PHP Strrev Function

Strrev function is used to reversing the string. Use it for reversed to sting.

echo strrev("Hello");
// output

PHP Strpos Function

Strpos function is used to find the text in string . If it find the text in string return true or false.

echo strpos("Welcome to india","india");
// output

PHP Substr Function

Substr function is used to show(display) exact words in string.

echo substr("Hello my name is developer",0,5);

PHP  Implode() Function

This function is change array to string :

$arr = array('Hello','Developers!');
echo implode(" ",$arr);
Hello Developers

In this php string functions tutorial, we have learned the common useful PHP string functions.

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Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

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