PF Region Code List


The PF Region Code List is a comprehensive list of region codes used to identify geographic areas in the United States. It is used by the U.S. Census Bureau and other government agencies to identify and classify areas for statistical purposes. The list is organized by state and includes codes for counties, cities, towns, and other geographic areas. It is an important tool for researchers, policy makers, and other professionals who need to accurately identify and classify areas for their work.

PF Region Code List

1. North America:

– Canada (CA)
– United States (US)
– Mexico (MX)
– Bermuda (BM)
– Bahamas (BS)
– Greenland (GL)
– Saint Pierre and Miquelon (PM)

2. South America:

– Argentina (AR)
– Bolivia (BO)
– Brazil (BR)
– Chile (CL)
– Colombia (CO)
– Ecuador (EC)
– Falkland Islands (FK)
– French Guiana (GF)
– Guyana (GY)
– Paraguay (PY)
– Peru (PE)
– Suriname (SR)
– Uruguay (UY)
– Venezuela (VE)

3. Europe:

– Albania (AL)
– Andorra (AD)
– Austria (AT)
– Belarus (BY)
– Belgium (BE)
– Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA)
– Bulgaria (BG)
– Croatia (HR)
– Cyprus (CY)
– Czech Republic (CZ)
– Denmark (DK)
– Estonia (EE)
– Faroe Islands (FO)
– Finland (FI)
– France (FR)
– Germany (DE)
– Gibraltar (GI)
– Greece (GR)
– Hungary (HU)
– Iceland (IS)
– Ireland (IE)
– Italy (IT)
– Latvia (LV)
– Liechtenstein (LI)
– Lithuania (LT)
– Luxembourg (LU)
– Macedonia (MK)
– Malta (MT)
– Moldova (MD)
– Monaco (MC)
– Montenegro (ME)
– Netherlands (NL)
– Norway (NO)
– Poland (PL)
– Portugal (PT)
– Romania (RO)
– San Marino (SM)
– Serbia (RS)
– Slovakia (SK)
– Slovenia (SI)
– Spain (ES)
– Sweden (SE)
– Switzerland (CH)
– Ukraine (UA)
– United Kingdom (GB)
– Vatican City (VA)

4. Africa:

– Algeria (DZ)
– Angola (AO)
– Benin (BJ)
– Botswana (BW)
– Burkina Faso (BF)
– Burundi (BI)
– Cameroon (CM)
– Cape Verde (CV)
– Central African Republic (CF)
– Chad (TD)
– Comoros (KM)
– Congo (CG)
– Cote d’Ivoire (CI)
– Djibouti (DJ)
– Egypt (EG)
– Equatorial Guinea (GQ)
– Eritrea (ER)
– Ethiopia (ET)
– Gabon (GA)
– Gambia (GM)
– Ghana (GH)
– Guinea (GN)
– Guinea-Bissau (GW)
– Kenya (KE)
– Lesotho (LS)
– Liberia (LR)
– Libya (LY)
– Madagascar (MG)
– Malawi (MW)
– Mali (ML)
– Mauritania (MR)
– Mauritius (MU)
– Morocco (MA)
– Mozambique (MZ)
– Namibia (NA)
– Niger (NE)
– Nigeria (NG)
– Reunion (RE)
– Rwanda (RW)
– Sao Tome and Principe (ST)
– Senegal (SN)
– Seychelles (SC)
– Sierra Leone (SL)
– Somalia (SO)
– South Africa (ZA)
– Sudan (SD)
– Swaziland (SZ)
– Tanzania (TZ)
– Togo (TG)
– Tunisia (TN)
– Uganda (UG)
– Zambia (ZM)
– Zimbabwe (ZW)

5. Asia:

– Afghanistan (AF)
– Armenia (AM)
– Azerbaijan (AZ)
– Bahrain (BH)
– Bangladesh (BD)
– Bhutan (BT)
– Brunei (BN)
– Cambodia (KH)
– China (CN)
– Georgia (GE)
– Hong Kong (HK)
– India (IN)
– Indonesia (ID)
– Iran (IR)
– Iraq (IQ)
– Israel (IL)
– Japan (JP)
– Jordan (JO)
– Kazakhstan (KZ)
– Kuwait (KW)
– Kyrgyzstan (KG)
– Laos (LA)
– Lebanon (LB)
– Macau (MO)
– Malaysia (MY)
– Maldives (MV)
– Mongolia (MN)
– Myanmar (MM)
– Nepal (NP)
– North Korea (KP)
– Oman (OM)
– Pakistan (PK)
– Philippines (PH)
– Qatar (QA)
– Saudi Arabia (SA)
– Singapore (SG)
– South Korea (KR)
– Sri Lanka (LK)
– Syria (SY)
– Taiwan (TW)
– Tajikistan (TJ)
– Thailand (TH)
– Timor-Leste (TL)
– Turkey (TR)
– Turkmenistan (TM)
– United Arab Emirates (AE)
– Uzbekistan (UZ)
– Vietnam (VN)
– Yemen (YE)

6. Oceania:

– Australia (AU)
– Fiji (FJ)
– Kiribati (KI)
– Marshall Islands (MH)
– Micronesia (FM)
– Nauru (NR)
– New Zealand (NZ)
– Palau (PW)
– Papua New Guinea (PG)
– Samoa (WS)
– Solomon Islands (SB)
– Tonga (TO)
– Tuvalu (TV)
– Vanuatu (VU)

The First Two digits of a PF account number (member id) are called PF regional code. This PF regional code is different for each city in India. The next three digits followed by the region code is the office code.

PF account number example: GRVSP00780890000000123

Here is the list of PF region codes of various cities  in Andhra Pradesh.

Region Code Office Code City Name
GR VSP Visakhapatnam
AP HYD Hyderabad
AP KKP Kukatpally
AP SID Siddipet
NZ NZB Nizamabad
NZ WGL Warangal
GR GNT Guntur
GR RJY Rajahmundry
BG BNG Bangalore
DL CPM Delhi North
DS NHP Delhi South
GB HBL Hubli
GH AHD Ahmedabad
GJ RAJ Rajkot
KN MLR Mangalore
KN MYS Mysore
MB BPL Bhopal
NG NAG Nagpore
OR BBS Bhubaneswar
OR RKL Rourkela
PY PNY Peenya
RJ JOD Jodhpur
RJ UDR Udaipur
SR SRT Surat
TH THA Thane
UP GKP Gorakhpur
BR BHA Bhagalpur
BR PAT Patna
CB CBE Coimbatore
CG RAI Raipur
GB RCH Raichur
HP SML Simla
HR FBD Faridabad
HR KNL Karnal
JH JAM Jamshedpur
JH RAN Ranchi
JK JMU jammu
JK SRN Srinagar
JL JLP Jalpaiguri
JL JNG Jangipur
KD MAL Malad
KD NSK Nasik
KN CKR Chikamagalur
KN MYS Mysore
KR KCH Kochi (Cochin)
KR KKD Kozhikode (Calicut)
KR KTM Kottayam
KR TVM Thiruvananthapuram
LD ASR Amritsar
LD JAL Jalandhar
LK LEH Ladakh
MH BAN Bandra (Mumbai – I)
MP IND Indore
MP JBP Jabalpur
MP SGR Sagar
MR MRT Meerut
MR NOI Noida
NE AGT Agartala
NE GHY Guwahati
NE SHG Shillong
NG AKL Akola
OR KGR Keonjhar
PU KOL Kolhapur
PU SLP Solapur
PY BOM Bommasandra
RJ RAJ Jaipur
RJ UDR Udaipur
TB VLR Vellore
TH VSH Vashi
TN AMB Ambattur
TN MAS Chennai
UK DDN Dehradun
UK HLD Haldwani
UP ALD Allahabad
UP  BLY Bareilly
UP KNP Kanpur
UP LKO  Lucknow
UP VNS Varanasi
VD BRD Vadodara
WB CAL Kolkata
WB DGP Durgapur
WB HLO Howrah
WB PRB Park Street

Also Read: Know more details about PF Account Number Format

PF Region Code List

The PF region code list is a list of codes used to identify the various regions of the world. These codes are used in various applications, such as postal codes, telephone numbers, and other geographic information systems. The codes are based on the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard.


  • DZ – Algeria
  • AO – Angola
  • BJ – Benin
  • BW – Botswana
  • BF – Burkina Faso
  • BI – Burundi
  • CM – Cameroon
  • CV – Cape Verde
  • CF – Central African Republic
  • TD – Chad
  • KM – Comoros
  • CG – Congo
  • CD – Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • DJ – Djibouti
  • EG – Egypt
  • GQ – Equatorial Guinea
  • ER – Eritrea
  • ET – Ethiopia
  • GA – Gabon
  • GM – Gambia
  • GH – Ghana
  • GN – Guinea
  • GW – Guinea-Bissau
  • CI – Ivory Coast
  • KE – Kenya
  • LS – Lesotho
  • LR – Liberia
  • LY – Libya
  • MG – Madagascar
  • MW – Malawi
  • ML – Mali
  • MR – Mauritania
  • MU – Mauritius
  • YT – Mayotte
  • MA – Morocco
  • MZ – Mozambique
  • NA – Namibia
  • NE – Niger
  • NG – Nigeria
  • RE – Reunion
  • RW – Rwanda
  • SH – Saint Helena
  • ST – Sao Tome and Principe
  • SN – Senegal
  • SC – Seychelles
  • SL – Sierra Leone
  • SO – Somalia
  • ZA – South Africa
  • SD – Sudan
  • SZ – Swaziland
  • TZ – Tanzania
  • TG – Togo
  • TN – Tunisia
  • UG – Uganda
  • EH – Western Sahara
  • ZM – Zambia
  • ZW – Zimbabwe


  • AI – Anguilla
  • AG – Antigua and Barbuda
  • AR – Argentina
  • AW – Aruba
  • BS – Bahamas
  • BB – Barbados
  • BZ – Belize
  • BM – Bermuda
  • BO – Bolivia
  • BR – Brazil
  • VG – British Virgin Islands
  • CA – Canada
  • KY – Cayman Islands
  • CL – Chile
  • CO – Colombia
  • CR – Costa Rica
  • CU – Cuba
  • DM – Dominica
  • DO – Dominican Republic
  • EC – Ecuador
  • SV – El Salvador
  • FK – Falkland Islands
  • GF – French Guiana
  • GL – Greenland
  • GD – Grenada
  • GP – Guadeloupe
  • GT – Guatemala
  • GY – Guyana
  • HT – Haiti
  • HN – Honduras
  • JM – Jamaica
  • MQ – Martinique
  • MX – Mexico
  • MS – Montserrat
  • AN – Netherlands Antilles
  • NI – Nicaragua
  • PA – Panama
  • PY – Paraguay
  • PE – Peru
  • PR – Puerto Rico
  • BL – Saint Barthelemy
  • KN – Saint Kitts and Nevis
  • LC – Saint Lucia
  • MF – Saint Martin
  • PM – Saint Pierre and Miquelon
  • VC – Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • SR – Suriname
  • TT – Trinidad and Tobago
  • TC – Turks and Caicos Islands
  • US – United States
  • UY – Uruguay
  • VE – Venezuela
  • VI – Virgin Islands


  • AF – Afghanistan
  • AM – Armenia
  • AZ – Azerbaijan
  • BH – Bahrain
  • BD – Bangladesh
  • BT – Bhutan
  • BN – Brunei
  • KH – Cambodia
  • CN – China
  • CY – Cyprus
  • GE – Georgia
  • HK – Hong Kong
  • IN – India
  • ID – Indonesia
  • IR – Iran
  • IQ – Iraq
  • IL – Israel
  • JP – Japan
  • JO – Jordan
  • KZ – Kazakhstan
  • KW – Kuwait
  • KG – Kyrgyzstan
  • LA – Laos
  • LB – Lebanon
  • MO – Macau
  • MY – Malaysia
  • MV – Maldives
  • MN – Mongolia
  • MM – Myanmar
  • NP – Nepal
  • KP – North Korea
  • OM – Oman
  • PK – Pakistan
  • PS – Palestinian Territories
  • PH – Philippines
  • QA – Qatar
  • SA – Saudi Arabia
  • SG – Singapore
  • KR – South Korea
  • LK – Sri Lanka
  • SY – Syria
  • TW – Taiwan
  • TJ – Tajikistan
  • TH – Thailand
  • TL – Timor-Leste
  • TR – Turkey
  • TM – Turkmenistan
  • AE – United Arab Emirates
  • UZ – Uzbekistan
  • VN – Vietnam
  • YE – Yemen


  • AL – Albania
  • AD – Andorra
  • AT – Austria
  • BY – Belarus
  • BE – Belgium
  • BA – Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • BG – Bulgaria
  • HR – Croatia
  • CZ – Czech Republic
  • DK – Denmark
  • EE – Estonia
  • FO – Faroe Islands
  • FI – Finland
  • FR – France
  • DE – Germany
  • GI – Gibraltar
  • GR – Greece
  • GG – Guernsey
  • VA – Holy See (Vatican City State)
  • HU – Hungary
  • IS – Iceland
  • IE – Ireland
  • IM – Isle of Man
  • IT – Italy
  • JE – Jersey
  • LV – Latvia
  • LI – Liechtenstein
  • LT – Lithuania
  • LU – Luxembourg
  • MK – Macedonia
  • MT – Malta
  • MD – Moldova
  • MC – Monaco
  • ME – Montenegro
  • NL – Netherlands
  • NO – Norway
  • PL – Poland
  • PT – Portugal
  • RO – Romania
  • RU – Russia
  • SM – San Marino
  • RS – Serbia
  • SK – Slovakia
  • SI – Slovenia
  • ES – Spain
  • SJ – Svalbard and Jan Mayen
  • SE – Sweden
  • CH – Switzerland
  • UA – Ukraine
  • GB – United Kingdom
  • AX – Åland Islands


  • AS – American Samoa
  • AU – Australia
  • CK – Cook Islands
  • FJ – Fiji
  • PF – French Polynesia
  • GU – Guam
  • KI – Kiribati
  • MH – Marshall Islands
  • FM – Micronesia
  • NR – Nauru
  • NC – New Caledonia
  • NZ – New Zealand
  • NU – Niue
  • NF – Norfolk Island
  • MP – Northern Mariana Islands
  • PW – Palau
  • PG – Papua New Guinea
  • PN – Pitcairn
  • WS – Samoa
  • SB – Solomon Islands
  • TK – Tokelau
  • TO – Tonga
  • TV – Tuvalu
  • UM – United States Minor Outlying Islands
  • VU – Vanuatu
  • WF – Wallis and Futuna
Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

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