netstat Linux Commands – Overview with Examples and FAQs


Netstat is a Linux command used to display network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships. It is a useful tool for network administrators and system administrators to monitor and troubleshoot network-related issues. Netstat can be used to view the status of network connections, routing tables, and interface statistics. It can also be used to identify potential security issues, such as open ports and listening services. Additionally, netstat can be used to identify network performance issues, such as packet loss and latency.


The netstat command is used to display network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships. It can also be used to display the current TCP/IP network connections.

netstat [options]

-a: Displays all active connections and listening ports.
-r: Displays the routing table.
-i: Displays a list of network interfaces and their statistics.
-m: Displays masquerade connections.
-g: Displays multicast group memberships.
-s: Displays statistics by protocol.
-p: Displays the PID and program name of the process that owns each connection.

netstat -a

This command will display all active connections and listening ports.


Netstat Linux Command

Netstat is a command-line tool that displays network connections, routing tables, and a number of network interface statistics. It is available on most Linux distributions and can be used to troubleshoot network issues. Netstat can be used to view incoming and outgoing connections, as well as the status of the network interfaces.

Using Netstat

Netstat can be used to view the current connections on a system. To view all active connections, use the following command:

netstat -a

This will display all active connections, including the local and remote addresses, the protocol used, and the state of the connection. To view only TCP connections, use the following command:

netstat -at

To view only UDP connections, use the following command:

netstat -au

To view the routing table, use the following command:

netstat -r

To view the network interface statistics, use the following command:

netstat -i


Netstat is a powerful command-line tool that can be used to view network connections, routing tables, and network interface statistics. It is available on most Linux distributions and can be used to troubleshoot network issues.

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

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