Material Handover Letter Format Samples


A material handover letter is an important document used to transfer ownership of materials from one party to another. It is a formal document that outlines the details of the transfer, including the date, the materials being transferred, and the parties involved. It is important to have a clear and concise material handover letter format to ensure that all parties understand the terms of the transfer. This article will provide some sample material handover letter formats that can be used to create a customized document for your specific needs.

Material Handover Letter Format Samples

Dear [Recipient],

This letter is to inform you that I am handing over the following materials to you:

[List of materials]

These materials are in good condition and have been checked and verified by me. I am handing them over to you in accordance with the terms and conditions of our agreement.

Please sign and date this letter to acknowledge receipt of the materials.


[Your Name]

Material handover letters are extremely important whenever you hand over any material to others, taking the signature of the receiver on the material handover letter will act as a solid proof that the material was actually transferred. 

As an employee sometimes you have to handover company properties such as laptops, computer accessories, stationary etc to your colleague or your successors who join in your job. In such cases you have to prepare a handover letter and you should take the signature of the receiver.

Here are some sample material handover letter formats, which can be helpful to you…

How to Write a Material Handover Letter Format

  1. Write the name and designation of the person to whom the materials were handed over.
  2. Details of the person who handed over the materials.
  3. Date of handover of materials.
  4. Details of the materials handed over such as material name, description, quantity.
  5. Signature of the receiver.

Material Handover Letter Format 1


P Suresh Kumar,

Sr Accountant,

Company name,



S Sunil,

Purchase Manager,

Company name.


Sub: Material handed over to Mr P Suresh Kumar.

Dear Suresh Kumar,

As per your request, the following materials have been handed over to you on 30/05/2020, so please check them and acknowledge this letter with your signature.

S No Material Description Quantity Remarks if any
1 Dell Laptop  1
2 A4 size paper bundles 4
3 Printer cartridge  1
4 Markers 2
5 Folders 5
6 Calculator  1
7 Highlighters 2
8 Glue Stick 2
9 Notebooks  2

Thanking you.

Receiver’s Signature

  S Sunil.

(Purchase Executive)

Material Handover Letter Format 2


Mr K Ravi Kishore,

Marketing Manager,

Company Name,



N Sukumar,

Admin Executive,

Company Name,


Sub: Regarding material handover. 

Dear Sir,

With reference to your mail  dated on 25 may 2021 the following stationary items have been handed over to you on 28 may 2021, so kindly check them and confirm the same by signing this letter at receiver’s signature field.

S No Material Description Quantity Remarks if an
1 File folders 5
2 Punching machine 1
3 Stapler 1
4 Scissor 1
5 Pencil Box 1

Thanking you.

Receiver’s Signature

   N Sukumar

(Admin Executive)

Material Handover Email Format

Sub: Regarding material handover.

Dear Madam,

As per your request dated on _____________(date), the following items have been handed over to you by the purchase department. So please check them and acknowledge this email.

S No Material Description Quantity
1 Note Books 05
2 Ball pens 02
3 Stapler 01
4 Folders 04
5 Glue stick 01

Thanking you.


K Pavan Kumar

(Store Incharge)

Acknowledgement Email After Receiving the Material

Sub: Regarding materials – received.

Dear Pavan Kumar,

This is to inform you that all the items mentioned in your mail have been received by me and thanks for your cooperation.

Thanking you.


Your name.

Also Read


Material Handover Letter Format Samples

A material handover letter is a document that is used to transfer ownership of materials from one party to another. It is typically used in business transactions, such as when a company is selling or transferring materials to another company. The letter should include the details of the materials being transferred, the parties involved, and any other relevant information. It should also include the date of the transfer and the signature of both parties.

When writing a material handover letter, it is important to include all the necessary information. This includes the name of the parties involved, the date of the transfer, the materials being transferred, and any other relevant information. It is also important to include the signature of both parties. This will ensure that the transfer is legally binding.

Below are some sample material handover letter formats that you can use as a guide when writing your own letter:

Sample 1

Date: [date]

To: [Name of Recipient]

From: [Name of Sender]

Re: Transfer of Materials

This letter is to confirm the transfer of the following materials from [Name of Sender] to [Name of Recipient]:

  • Material 1
  • Material 2
  • Material 3

The transfer of these materials is effective as of [date]. Both parties agree to the terms of this transfer and have signed below to confirm.


[Name of Sender]

[Name of Recipient]

Sample 2

Date: [date]

To: [Name of Recipient]

From: [Name of Sender]

Re: Transfer of Materials

This letter is to confirm the transfer of the following materials from [Name of Sender] to [Name of Recipient]:

  • Material 1
  • Material 2
  • Material 3

The transfer of these materials is effective as of [date]. Both parties agree to the terms of this transfer and have signed below to confirm.

The materials will be shipped to the following address: [Address]


[Name of Sender]

[Name of Recipient]

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